Example sentences of "[Wh det] it is that make " in BNC.

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1 His final reflection was that ‘ such a picture can not be defined at all until we find a way of describing whatever it is that makes first-rate entertainment what it is ’ .
2 I had assumed that it meant the characteristic of being alive , livingness , whatever it is that makes life life .
3 Think , too , about the circumstances under which you can not keep to your resolves , and analyse exactly what it is that makes you behave the way you do .
4 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
5 They have taken a long hard look at the way Japanese firms operate and tried to understand what it is that makes them so much more productive and successful .
6 It is not at all easy to see what it is that makes one thing tough and another brittle because the substances in each of these lists seem to have little enough in common .
7 Examine all the humour you come across — in shops , at work , with children , on the TV — and try to ascertain what it is that makes something funny for you .
8 Aristotle 's argument concerns the question of what it is that makes an action ‘ voluntary ’ , done of a person 's own free will , and in order to answer this question , he distinguished between actions whose origin was ‘ inside ’ a person , and those whose origin was ‘ outside ’ , which resulted from external influences or pressure or compulsion .
9 In fact , this means that our answer will amount to an account of what it is for a non-observation statement to be significant , and what it is that makes one such statement mean something different from what another one means .
10 The fact that meaning is not constructed from the formal language of the message alone is crucial in explaining what it is that makes people perceive some stretches of language as coherent discourse and others as disconnected jumbles .
11 ‘ Being around you for any length of time , I 'd sooner know what it is that makes you tick .
12 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
13 With more than 130 successful wines to choose from , it would be a very pleasant experience indeed just trying to find out what it is that makes a good wine a winner , observed one Winemark spokesman .
14 IT 'S the Echo 's Fun Fortnight and today we examine exactly what it is that makes you smile , laugh and be happy ! by Philippa Bellis
15 Yes , so what act , so do you know Mark what it is that makes these people think those things ?
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