Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [be] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 Today we were close enough to the front of the plane to have a newspaper in English , and not have to settle for one printed in a strange dialect of Latvian ( or whatever it is that they use for those that are always left at the end ) .
2 Whatever it is that they 're deficient in .
3 But whatever it is that they seek , this Chinese martial art will , somewhere along the road of disciplined training , provide it .
4 Well I mean , if we 're talking about sort of and they 're looking for a sense of identity of whatever it is that they 're having of
5 I mean we can Toyota can produce , you know , sufficient Corollas or whatever it is that they make at Derby erm , to sat to satisfy the whole of the world market for that particular car , just from one plant .
6 You , you ha you establish a rapport of listening for a little while to whatever it is that they 've got to say , and their troubles and their anxieties and I was n't happy that
7 The snow continued to fall as the Quattro clawed its way eastward towards whatever it was that they were seeking , whatever terrible things were waiting at journey 's end .
8 Is it possible to define what it is that they have in common ?
9 Yeah find out , I mean exactly sort of trying to find out exactly what it is that they want to think about , suggest , you know
10 Er the goods that what , not goods that we want to give them like junk food and ludicrous fashions , to find out what it is that they want this of equipment and no , and do n't forget the know-how , I mean we are , we have a hell of a Know-how in this country which is not being used .
11 In the middle of this , Boy switched to a documentary made by a group of prostitutes which showed married men sitting nervously on the edges of beds in hotel rooms , sitting on neatly flowered bedspreads and having difficulty ( they were embarrassed by the female camera crew ) saying exactly what it was that they wanted to do for their thirty pounds .
12 Of course , sometimes we do feel that the other person has been rather abrupt in ending the conversation , and that is the moment when we should do our ethnomethodological analysis to identify what it was that they , or we , failed to do as part of bringing the conversation to a proper and recognizable end .
13 So the conjunction of these two words effectively prevents the raising of the question as to what it was that they were saying .
14 Friend stood back — or rather , his pattern spun off a little way so that she could see what it was that they had built inside the black of infinity .
15 This regular weekly contact , together with the organised group visits , meant that the students approached teaching practice knowing that they could organise a lesson in terms of defining in advance what it was that they wanted the children to learn how to do ; and then , by working backwards , sort out their materials , activities and procedures .
16 It was clear , notes Timothy West now , precisely what it was that they were expecting-as he says , ‘ a combination of ‘ Carry On ’ and ‘ Beyond Our Ken ’ . ’
17 Er but nobody could tell me for certain what it was that they intended to use it for , er but it was apparently not guaranteed that it would continue to be used er as a market hall .
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