Example sentences of "[Wh det] we [verb] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the same , the emphasis on equilibrium hampered any possible appreciation of the notion of competition which we have seen to be the outstanding characteristic of the market process .
2 Marx used a numerical model of simple reproduction , which we have seen in Chapter 3 , and suggested that Dept .
3 The draft of the city wide local plan will be going to the city council in December , and prove of the consultation , but the figures some of you 've seen in our evidence have been a agreed by the the local plan steering group , who sit in council members er across party , committee which has agreed the basic numbers , so the draft allocations which are in our submission , and which we have seen in the schedules yesterday , are accepted as a basis for consultation by the city council but are clearly subject to review .
4 We were only an hour 's drive from the front and it was quite frightening to watch the TV and see the Croatian coverage of the troubles , considerably more horrific than what we had seen on the BBC .
5 ( Mindful of what we had seen from the office , we volunteered as witnesses to the Board of Enquiry . )
6 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
7 The thing I do n't like about this amendment is it actually moves us nowhere and we can not after what we 've seen over the summer , move nowhere .
8 And the West Midlands for four or five surveys we 've seen strong total orders broadly based between se sectors , strong output trends so the West Midlands being our leading er region is consistent with what we 've seen from other surveys .
9 Well so much for the sea surface temperatures of the past , but we 've been looking at our records of the compounds in the sediments even more carefully and what we 've seen in there are molecular fingerprints which do not match those of the marine organisms .
10 I mean I think that 's really what we 've seen in eastern Europe
11 Okay I think what we 've seen in American politics in the last twenty , twenty years or so is a , an in is er an increasing trivialization of politics the er the mass media , the so called er piranhas er focus on the daily lives of presidents .
12 What we have seen across the board is a failure of justice , ’ she said .
13 Though in a different way , what we have seen to be true of Gide was also true of Wilde : ‘ running foul of the law in his sexual life was a stimulus to thought on every subject … .
14 What we have seen in the 1980s is a process by which poverty has been redefined as to do with the ‘ inner city ’ .
15 If what we have seen in this election is the real world , then the sooner we find a way out of it the better .
16 SAYS Kinsey : ‘ What we have seen in newspaper editorials and in political speeches over a period of time , is a latching on to the problem of crime and a series of assertions about the so-called welfare-dependent underclass .
17 What we have seen from this investigation is that the concept of proportionality is an essential component of Bukharin 's theory of equilibrium , particularly when applied to the dynamics of the economy .
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