Example sentences of "[Wh det] they have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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31 I ask each group what they 've been doing .
32 review with them where they 're at , record how they 're doing , you know tra , I mean I ca n't tell them to do that , but actually ask them to spend five or ten minutes each session talking to different pupils and what they 've been doing and you know even if it 's a personal timetable some people wo n't get into it but it 's you know , trying to get them to be what are tutors are , you know , I 'd like them to do .
33 You seen what they 've been doing ?
34 All the people that I 've seen trying to do it have all my sympathy , because I know what they 've been going through .
35 I know that our children by enlarge er their vocabulary does n't extend to erm what er , polysyllabic words which which might really sum up for an adult what they 've been going through , how they 've enjoyed it but what is the terrible form we had last year in seventh year , was it seven G ?
36 The American people told him at the polls what they had been screaming from the rooftops for two years .
37 There they brought the coracle ashore lightly , and drew in , with reluctance and the reverence of finality , what they had been hunting with such assiduity , and so persistently hoped they would not find .
38 Of course , compared to what they had been producing with a typewriter and some rub-down lettering , the desktop publishing system was producing wonderful material — it just did n't conform to any of the professional standards .
39 All three were still dressed in what they had been wearing in the camp : corduroy trousers , khaki shirts and pullovers and big nailed boots .
40 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
41 Everywhere there was evidence of abandoned normality as though everyone had put down what they had been doing , and then simply vanished ; half finished cups of coffee , dishevelled beds , games of scrabble and cards laid out , play suspended .
42 The head explained that the school had a lower/middle/ upper division and the lower school head briefly explained that the children were going to show the parents and new children what they had been doing .
43 As soon as most dealers actually knew anything , they would get disgusted with what they had been doing , and wanted out .
44 That 's what they had been doing before .
45 The APM and the report provided an opportunity for governors to explain , justify and evaluate what they had been doing , especially with regard to the quality of education offered .
46 Although this was the exact opposite of what they had been saying in the previous year , it was consistent in suggesting that there was a conflict between leaders and members .
47 Hundreds more will follow , prompting Mr Hildesheimer to suggest that the best commemoration would be not to perform Mozart at all until next year , so that everyone could realise what they had been missing .
48 The established , and now publicized , fact that women 's sexual capacity increases with age , at least until the late twenties , and stays at this peak for decades , while men 's is already declining , came as a shock both to men , who suddenly discovered they were the unlucky sex , and to women who had not realized what they had been missing .
49 We ca n't we devise publishing concepts which capture children 's imaginations in such a way that they are confident to spend as much time talking about what they have been reading as they are about last night 's episode of ‘ Neighbours ’ ?
50 ‘ I know exactly what they have been saying on TV .
51 Two public performances this week at Leeds Polytechnic 's Studio Theatre of the group 's latest show , Troublesome Behaviour , have allowed theatregoers to see what they have been missing .
52 There is also a ‘ Stop and Check ’ revision section in the Workbook after every third unit to allow students to review what they have been doing in class and to decide their own priorities for future self-study .
53 It is in periods of reflection that the real learning occurs in drama , when people are given the chance to think about what they have been doing .
54 The most useful activities are those which stimulate children into thinking dynamically and constructively about what they have been doing .
55 While it is perfectly valid for children to step back from what they have been doing in drama and write about it , the exciting alternative of writing ( or drawing , or carrying out scientific experiments ) within the context of the drama , as the characters they are playing , produces lively and highly motivated work .
56 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
57 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
58 She thought the girls would regard anyone who wanted to relive her childhood as wringingly wet , but they did n't openly sneer — just went back to whatever they 'd been doing while Constance and Camille walked away to appreciate the fine lines and charming dispositions of twenty greyhounds .
59 Drunks and drug-takers are less susceptible to pain , because their senses are numbed by whatever they have been drinking or taking .
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