Example sentences of "[Wh det] they do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That was an order with which it was probably impossible for the health authority to comply , because it has no power , contractual or otherwise , to require doctors to act in a way which they do not regard as medically appropriate .
2 New fairs have crowded the calendar at a time in the market cycle when there has been a sharp decline in the volume of business and in the enthusiasm of American collectors , in particular , to travel long distances to look at art which they do not want to buy .
3 By this reasoning the things which they do not do well become part of the ‘ syndrome ’ .
4 The dissociation further implies that rats can detect relative spatial proximity even under circumstances in which they do not represent it in memory .
5 Difficulties arise when individuals are asked to develop , qualities which they do not possess or which they have previously dismissed as irrelevant or not worth possessing .
6 If they use this formula and then get a report they do not like and on which they do not intend to rely at trial , then they are not committed to disclose it .
7 ‘ And yet the banks already earn interest on customers ' money on current account , which they do not pass on . ’
8 Some , when reaching their wedding day , may find it difficult to smile , feeling unhappily trapped , persuaded either by lover or parents into a marriage for which they do not feel ready .
9 In particular , criminal statistics only show what police forces record , and the police clearly can not be expected to record the numerous offences which they do not know about .
10 They can not use a vocabulary which they do not know , nor relate to what they are in deepest ignorance of ; 5. promote pupils ' own search for a commitment by which to live and find meaning and fulfilment in wrestling with ultimate questions ;
11 ‘ Guilty ’ , ‘ worried ’ , ‘ miserable ’ and ‘ depressed ’ are the words which women use to express their responses to a situation in which they do not get their work done ‘ as it should be done ’ :
12 In the Ukraine alone at least five different institutions , each with different kinds of equipment of varying quality , are conducting Chernobyl-linked biological and environmental research , which they do not share with one another .
13 Whether this insufficiency reflects a genuine difference in feminine propensity to crime , or merely the superior skill with which female law-breakers elude detection , and how this difference is related to factors in the training and education of girls which they do not share with their brothers — these questions remain unanswered and indeed unasked .
14 There is thus a strong tendency for individual males to intervene in every friendly dyadic interaction in which they do not have a part .
15 Usually they stick to things in which they do not have a dominant brand .
16 This is despite the fact that it is the only universal non-contributory benefit payable to all mothers on behalf of their children , and thus guarantees mothers at least some income for which they do not have to ask their husbands or cohabitees .
17 However , guests will cease to be lawful visitors if they enter parts of the premises , such as the kitchen , offices , laundry , etc. , which they do not have permission to enter or if they enter parts of the premises where no one would reasonably expect them to go .
18 ‘ The peasant economy can be defined quite simply as that Form of farm production ( and associated activities ) in which the producer and his family till the land themselves , generally utilising their own means of production ( tools and instruments ) , with the object of directly satisfying their basic needs , although for a number of reasons they may find themselves required to sell a part of their produce on the market in order to obtain goods which they do not produce .
19 If the small company audit is abolished , the reason for being authorised will disappear along with a substantial part of their earning capacity which they do not believe they can recoup through selling other services .
20 The recent history of liberal response to urban deprivation as it affects groups like women is littered with the unmet commitments and unfulfilled promises of such initiatives : each highly circumscribed ; each mediated through the transitory commitment of part-time interlopers in communities in which they do not live , among women whose lives they do not share ; and all controlled elsewhere .
21 Being a teacher today constitutes for many just such an intense set of pressures , stresses , conflicts and uncertainties which often leads people to behave in ways which they do not like , but seem powerless to control .
22 Yet in spite of these differences , the main themes are shared ; individuals living in societies which they do not like , and which have rejected them .
23 There is nothing to be gained by attempting to force parents into accepting definitions of problems which they do not recognise as important or relevant , despite what you as a professional may think .
24 The rangers ' knowledge of the areas is extensive and they can identify most of the wildlife in the area — indeed if they see a new plant or insect which they do not recognise they normally check through their reference library when they get back to base to find out what it is .
25 Sparrowhawks are still widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex , the only major habitat type of the county in which they do not breed being the coastal plain .
26 People find a purity in them which they do not find in secular , national parties .
27 Until such a time , the way remains open for doctors to vilify colleagues publicly with impunity and to mount ill founded and unscientific attacks on approaches to care with which they do not agree .
28 And it was suggested that their participation in the decision-making process , coupled with scrupulous adherence to principles of openness and fairness in that process , may persuade them to accept decisions and policies with which they do not agree .
29 The public interest is better served by encouraging newspapers to publish unorthodox points of view in letters columns — an objective which is not helped by depriving them of a " fair comment " defence when they publish letters with which they do not agree .
30 Similarly , health and safety legislation can be designed to protect workers from agreeing to work in conditions which they do not realize are unsafe .
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