Example sentences of "[Wh det] may [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Aches and pains of various kinds may occur , some of which may mimic the symptoms of her husband 's last illness , and her general health may deteriorate , because at first she will be so absorbed in grieving and a kind of mental ‘ searching ’ for what she has lost that she may tend to neglect her bodily needs .
2 Researchers were encouraged to explore the assumptions and mechanisms underlying the acceptance of the status quo which may favour the interests of dominant groups ( in this case , the bourgeoisie ) .
3 In general we could surmise some possible causes : lack of clear guidance either in ‘ help routines ’ within the program or as printed instructions in the documentation accompanying the program — lack of preparation , ie , reading the documentation , which may suggest the demands are too high for most teachers ( teacher 's guides are rarely read ) — poor ‘ driving system ’ within the actual program , ie , the central organization of the system does not match teachers ' needs — poor ‘ driving system ’ that either confuses the teacher through its complexity or , at the other extreme , is not flexible enough for him to achieve the flow of his planned lesson — poor ‘ driving system ’ that interrupts the presentation of relevant displays with detailed control instructions on the screen .
4 The only known or suspected production sites are at Elsham in Lincolnshire comprising concentrations of burnt material and sherds of pottery ( which have not been excavated and which may represent the remains of funeral pyres ) , the excavated kiln ( ? ) at Cassington ( Arthur and Jope 1963 ) and possibly Sutton Courtenay ( Leeds 1936 , p. 28 ) .
5 Levels one and two are by far the commonest in education but there is a new type of partnership which appears to be developing and which may meet the needs of the future rather more fully than the other two — though those will always continue in existence because they fulfil real short term needs .
6 I apologise for any offence given but there has been another death , though one which may resolve the mysteries which have plagued us . ’
7 In an extreme case an authority might decide for economic , political or cultural reasons that it did not wish to make coinage , which may explain the periods mentioned above when various states abandoned coinage .
8 The shape and musculature of a dolphin do not alone account for its speed and swimming efficiency , and biologists have long been searching for features of the skin which may explain the mysteries of the dolphin 's swimming prowess .
9 A history book which may contain the facts in story form will be easier to read than one dealing with technical or scientific subjects .
10 The barrier to this is not so much their intellectual capability , but the social stigma of their handicap , which may affect the attitudes of teachers and the parents of other children .
11 It has been found that regular use of some 2 in 1 's can cause ingredients to build up on the hair shaft which may affect the results of a perm or colour .
12 Another factor which may influence the chances of conventional videodisc players is that in the 1990s , the collection of high quality , permanent recordings of movies and other programming might appeal in a way it never could in the early 1980s .
13 A simple technique is to spray the crop with a pheromone of the pest species — which may encourage the parasites to stay on the crop .
14 The arms may be covered by a thin covering of skin which may obscure the plates .
15 This may be important as a recent study has revealed some differences between caecal and faecal flora , an observation which may limit the conclusions made from measurements with faecal inocular .
16 It is politically accountable to the European Parliament , which may dismiss the Commissioners en bloc .
17 cyclical crises , which may provide the conditions for a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism , but are not sufficient in themselves to bring about its automatic collapse .
18 Tiger moths can also take their defence strategy a stage further , screaming out in ultrasound , which may jam the bats ' sonar or warn of their foul taste .
19 The Court of Appeal agreed with Wright J. Mr. Tully is in effect saying that if he discloses his dealings with his assets or the moneys of Wessex and Abbey and if he furnishes copies of the documents relating to those dealings he will be providing evidence which may assist the police to prosecute him for the crime of embezzlement .
20 However , vibration of sounds at 800 cycles per second and below is the limit of information , the vibrator picks up unwanted sounds which may drown the signals which you want to receive .
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