Example sentences of "[Wh det] could [pron] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What could we have done ?
2 When a successful grocer was asked by a grocer 's daughter how to run the health service , what could we have expected if not a supermarket chain enterprise — open all hours .
3 What could they find to disagree about , anyway ?
4 And if they had known , what could they have done ?
5 But what could they have done ?
6 What could they have meant ?
7 What could they have found ?
8 What could you measure to show that change was occurring ( ie how could you ‘ measure ’ something or things to determine whether you were successfully meeting the aims/goals you listed for Question 1 ?
9 What could you measure to show that change was occurring ?
10 What could you do to make this relationship more loving ?
11 What could you do to make it so there was less dirt in your bucket ? ’ , children were nearly always correct .
12 What could you stop doing , or devote less time to , or ask someone else to do ?
13 What could you have done that would aid you remembering ?
14 What could you have done out there ?
15 After all , what could he expect to find ?
16 What could he do to break free of such phantasms ?
17 What could he have suspected ?
18 What could he have said to them ?
19 But what could he have had that they wanted ? ’
20 Now what could he have meant ?
21 PEG : What could I do to stop you troubling ?
22 PEG ( without looking at Abberley ) : What could I do to cheer you up ?
23 What could I have done ? ’ he said , casually .
24 Anyway , what could I have done ?
25 What could I have done to make Justin holier than thou , say anything like that ?
26 What could I have said ?
27 What could I have to gain , other than making the best of a bad bargain ? ’
28 But then , what could I have expected ?
29 What could she have done to you ? ’
30 So what could she have done to have got around him ?
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