Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [vb infin] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 The logical result of this attitude was , of course , the takeover of the most prominent media , which would involve placing them under more direct control , a corollary of this action was the suppression or limitation of any privately owned media that might either be critical of TANU and the Tanzanian Government or campaign for alternatives .
2 The challenge was to plan and implement a strategy which would help give them jobs , to ensure that potential employers were aware of this trained workforce and knew how to gain access to it .
3 The 2-club competition was very popular , the Standard dryly commenting ‘ Much better cards were put in than anticipated , the winning ladies finished with scores which would have done them credit with a full bag of clubs ! ’
4 My all-time favourite remark was made by a visiting Chesterfield supporter who watched silently as his team prepared to take a penalty in the dying seconds of a game at Barnsley which would have given them the draw .
5 Trailing 6-3 , Cardiff won a last-chance scrum on the Swansea line and the players pressured Hall into running the ball rather than going for a drop goal which would have given them a draw .
6 I think it is quite important to establish whether in fact the County had information at their disposal which would have enabled them to act sooner in this case . ’
7 Sunderland , who travel to Blackburn on Wednesday night for their penultimate game of the season , had hoped to come to a compromise arrangement which would have enabled them to use Rogan against Swindon and then let him travel to Belfast before tomorrow night 's game .
8 He added : ‘ The boards were heavy and unlikely to slip and although there was no scaffolding or guard rails , there were metal roof trusses which would have prevented them falling .
9 ‘ If however , you land a blow which would have caused them serious injury and limited them in the fight , then you get a half point . ’
10 The former county boroughs had preferred the unitary approach which would have made them the core of enlarged areas , but when a two-tier system was adopted it was obviously preferable from their point of view to obtain metropolitan district status and thus retain as many services as possible .
11 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson 2 ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
12 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
13 We stared in stunned shock , realising that the pilot must have made one last superhuman effort not to come down right on our heads , but then just could n't manage those last few yards which would have brought them safely onto the runway .
14 Not only did the Bills fail to get the win which would have won them the AFC East division and secured home advantage throughout the play-offs , but finished the game with quarterback Jim Kelly nursing a knee ligament injury .
15 More recently in Cinnamond v. British Airports Authority his Lordship has invoked the same type of reasoning , stating that operators of cabs at an airport had no legitimate expectation which would warrant granting them a hearing .
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