Example sentences of "[Wh det] would [verb] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second phase would begin with elections for a transitional administration which would remain in power for up to 10 years .
2 The power-sharing agreement calls for the establishment of a national unity after the election of a Constituent Assembly which would remain in power for five or six years .
3 The Navy Department considered in 1943 that Korea was bereft of leadership and feared Korea could fall into a vacuum similar to that which would exist in Poland and the Balkans when the European War terminated .
4 At 31 December 1991 the US federal tax authorities had proposed adjustments relating to the assessment of certain profits earned during 1979 to 1983 by Ultramar Group companies operating outside the US and other matters which would result in taxes of approximately US$190 million plus interest .
5 Mr Asquith maintained that the Prime Minister and nobody else could preside over the War Committee , otherwise decisions might be arrived at which he could not agree to , which would result in friction and delay …
6 Nothing could be worse than the life I was leading at present , I thought , where the pressures from being homeless and unemployed were likely to force me into a series of criminal acts which would result in prison , or vagrancy at the least .
7 It was extremely likely that she was pleading with him to escape so she could lead him straight into a trap which would result in accusations of spying or some such thing .
8 The Rome Treaty envisaged the creation of the EEC ( by the original ‘ Six ’ ) 2 within a transition period of twelve years , which would end in December 1969 .
9 The dealer omitted to insure the automobiles in reliance on a pamphlet distributed by the finance company which said that the finance company would arrange insurance protection for the dealer 's interest , which would continue in force until the loan was liquidated .
10 The tenant undertakes to do nothing which would put in jeopardy the continuation of the licence in respect of the premises .
11 In 1989 it was planned to reduce the deficit to 13 per cent of total budgetary expenditure ( at an unspecified exchange rate ) with the assistance of the Central Bank , which would call in loans and foreign donations .
12 And indeed , in efforts to des to also confirm our reasonableness in the figure that we 've put forward , despite the fact that it 's much higher than the counties , I have included in my submission , paragraph thirty nine , that there are a number of factors we could have taken into account , but have n't have chosen not to do so , er which would have in fact upped the dwelling requirement .
13 He also had an unerring instinct , when faced with awkward legal problems , of finding solutions to them which would work in practice .
14 The manat , which would circulate in parallel with the rouble , was set at a value of 1 manat=10 roubles .
15 The conference established five committees which would convene in April or May .
16 Iain Reekie confesses to entertaining an ambition to stage it ever since his days at college when he played the part of Creon the king , and perhaps this background makes him hostile to any interpretation which would see in Creon a proto-Nazi .
17 Natural selection would then favour the animals that fought dangerously , which would increase in numbers .
18 As editor of the Criterion , Eliot at this period often used anthropological material , himself selecting books for review and reading every word of what would appear in print .
19 Given the different political cultures that exist , seeking to anticipate what would happen in Britain on the basis of experience abroad is an undertaking of limited usefulness .
20 Imprisonment has to be seen in the context of the German breakthrough in France , and fears about what would happen in Glasgow on May day 1918 ; it removed him from influence , even though he stood as candidate for the Gorbals in Glasgow in the 1918 election and attracted 7,436 votes against G. N. Barnes [ q.v . ] .
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