Example sentences of "[Wh det] we have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 And finally Chairman , budget proposals which we 've referred to in paragraph fourteen and fifteen are that in recognizing there 's a potential estimated shortfall of some seven hundred and fifty thousand , that five hundred thousand pounds be put towards that .
2 Fire Service S S A , which we 've talked to at some length already .
3 so there is this mixture of er of the older element and the younger element which we 've got to sort of marry during this course .
4 Erm there 's the P W P five year thing which , which we 've got to erm cover for which we 've covered as two F T E for the six months and then we 'll need to review that after that .
5 The radiator followed three months later , and the exhaust was in place by September — as were the flying instruments/gauges/compass which we had shipped to us from Florida .
6 We may find that a particular reply which we had expected to be only given very occasionally looks as if it might well be much more prevalent than we had expected .
7 ‘ The licensing authority has therefore not asked for the CSM 's advice on it ’ , Clarke told Jack Ashley in a written answer to a question ( which we had put to the DHSS three week earlier ) .
8 At the same , the emphasis on equilibrium hampered any possible appreciation of the notion of competition which we have seen to be the outstanding characteristic of the market process .
9 No doubt this draper 's ‘ Rep ’ would have cut a bit of a dashing figure in the big city in his way , replete with some of the family charm and salesmanship which we have assumed to be one of the hallmarks of William Charles himself .
10 This also raises the issue of ‘ value added ’ which we have referred to above .
11 In most of the foregoing discussion we have assumed that the deformations which we have related to stresses have been carried out at constant temperature .
12 Much of our recent research has been directed to testing this idea , which we have shown to be incorrect .
13 And er the result of all of that has been that the current development programme scheduled which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
14 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
15 The severity of antral gastritis was scored using the method of Rauws et al , which we have found to be a sensitive method for assessing the severity of H pylori -induced gastritis .
16 Just so , there are certain levels of understanding in coming to believe that Christianity is true , and these may bear no relation to the ‘ stages ’ by which we have come to faith .
17 As one of the leaders commented , this day 's trek was exactly what we had come to the jungle for .
18 Thank you , Chair , it 's basically been allocated in terms of floor area , and what we 've said to Age Concern , is in so far as we continue to provide them with premises , then we will , if we adjust those charges , we will adjust their grant accordingly .
19 We need to realize what we 've done to other species .
20 and what we 've done to the ozone layer ,
21 Look at what we 've done to each other , er , to ourselves , in the young , in nineteen hundred , eight percent of people had heart attacks , six percent strokes , cancer , four percent , total eighteen percent .
22 You see gents what we 've got to be aware of is , if Glasgow and Birmingham for example
23 I 'm gon na do the list what you 've got ta get and then I 'm gon na do another list of what we 've got to before tomorrow .
24 There were other acts by then like Morecambe and Wise and they were doing to us what we 'd done to others in our time .
25 If members would accept the additional resolution which stands in my name erm which reads this is what we 'd copied to all district councils and they would be made aware of the county council 's views on the matter .
26 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
27 By this we do not mean to imply that any old interpretation will do because , clearly , there are standards involved in any inference from the data materials to the theory , be this a substantive sociological theory or what we have referred to as an instrumental theory .
28 The above example may appear something of a curioso , but it illustrates another example of the distinction between what we have referred to as the ‘ traditional ’ approach and the public choice approach to public finance .
29 Probably their teachers will speak to them in this style , though what the learners are likely to encounter when they join in conversations with native speakers is what we have referred to previously as a ‘ rapid , casual ’ style .
30 What we have done to ourselves is to destroy the adventure of life by rooting ourselves to one spot in the physical sense , and demoralising ourselves by forcing the mind to spend its time on nuts and bolts and the rest of our shoddy interests , when it is thirsting for the trackless regions of the nomads .
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