Example sentences of "[Wh det] we [verb] [adv] done " in BNC.

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1 Which we have now done .
2 Can I just go over the page onto the number six , that says what we 've already done .
3 You can either do what we 've already done or you can base it on stuff that we 'll do in the future .
4 If you share two between three of you which is what we 've just done right ?
5 So , you know we 've got a week now to maybe watch the T V tonight , watch the goals again tomorrow , enjoy what we 've just done , but erm some hard work ahead of it in the next few weeks .
6 What we 've briefly done is look at how we identify who needs training .
7 And , well we 're doing what we 've always done in relation to erm tenants and erm rent arrears , we basically pursue a sympathetic policy erm for tenants who are facing real financial hardship in paying their rents .
8 Well there are a number of spaces that are in positions which could be used by disabled , in other words , they are not sort of , sandwich tight against other spaces and what 's happened in the past is that erm when a need has arisen an and when perhaps there 's been er generally a bungalow that has been er , occupied by somebody who 's disabled then the housing department have erm modified that space I mean , wha what we 've actually done is we 've er , taken a certain amount of block paving out but put back some block paved logo , sort of , standard white er symbol that erm that identifies disabled space and and , and that space is actually earmarked for that person , and it could happen in a variety of different locations erm it 's just that there 's probably not so much point in doing it until you know that there is er a specific need .
9 And what we 've now done is put together a similar type of interview , but which is , as we said yesterday , a bat and ball situation , where I ask a question , he answers it , leaving the next question hanging if you like
10 Well , we really know whether you wanted us to put what we learned from the report what we 'd actually done that day as in just listing it as you said like a diary
11 ‘ In view of what we have already done … ’
12 We can not check this independently by re-examining the original one , not because we can not re-examine the original one but because everything we can do in the way of a re-examination is just doing again what we have already done in thinking of the new sensation as relevantly similar to the old one .
13 What we 've done , won one of the points I think that is worth er making perhaps is that on er over the last few years we 've seen a complete change in world export philosophy where not only are the Russians exporting all over the place but clearly er there are a number of western aircraft in different parts of the world and therefore what we have also done is to , in comparing er our aircraft against other western ones , we 've also looked at them as potential threats because it 's possible that er erm western aircraft in certain hands could end up being used against us so we have also compared those .
14 ‘ Textiles are what we have always done in Biella .
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