Example sentences of "[Wh det] she [verb] tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He would not have liked to guess her age , had never seen her in anything other than half-light , and knew nothing about her beyond the fact that she came from a village to the north which she had told him , stood in the shadow of the pyramid of Saqqara .
2 Once she 'd put the phone down on him the previous night she 'd regretted her skittish way with him , and , after a heart-to-heart with Marlin in which she 'd told him she wanted to go back to England , and he 'd replied that it would all seem different in the morning and why did n't she just take a pill and lie down , she 'd decided to call him back .
3 Guido had nothing to do with what she had to tell him .
4 ‘ You said your friend sounded very excited about what she had to tell you , ’ Harris continued between mouthfuls of bitter .
5 He was watching Charles closely , as if afraid that he would not be believed , when he came to describe the meeting with Maureen O'Duffy and what she had told them during the drive down the mountain .
6 She complained bitterly about her husband being so confused and his always forgetting what she had told him without having any insight into her own ability to confuse him and other people .
7 All he had done was what she had told him to do and when he phoned from the motorway to tell her he 'd done it she 'd gone mad !
8 But that did not prevent him seeing the possible significance of what she had told him .
9 There was nothing more she could say or do to prove that what she had told him was the truth .
10 He just did n't comprehend what she had told him this afternoon .
11 If that was true , it occurred to her that he had n't really believed what she had told him tonight , but whether he did nor not , it did n't alter the central fact that they were never going to be lovers .
12 There were grey areas in what she had told him — or rather allowed him to believe .
13 Zen sat there , thinking over what she had told him .
14 But last night he had refused even to consider what she had told him , tossing it to one side as though it did n't matter .
15 I sat there trying to remember all the details of what she had told me .
16 I could n't imagine what she expected to tell them if they all came back on the same day .
17 He regarded her for a moment as though considering what she 'd told him .
18 ‘ That 's what she keeps telling me , ’ said Tabitha .
19 That is what she wants to tell you . ’
20 ‘ I do n't know what she has told you , Senator Tunstall , but until forty-eight hours ago she was my housemaid ; I thought that she was penniless , and that we were to marry .
21 ‘ I wish I knew what she wanted to tell me .
22 Whatever she 'd told him , he would go ahead .
23 Nicholas said , ‘ Whatever she has told you , it is true .
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