Example sentences of "[Wh det] be in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble with this method is that there are still more definitions required , for example , all of the signal control terms which are in another chapter .
2 I argued that the representational theory of mind , with its assumption that thinking is the possession of determinate ‘ mental states ’ which are in some sense encodings ( pictorial , syntactic ) of actual or possible states of affairs , contributes to the difficulty of the mind-body problem .
3 Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a few alternative words which are in some sense similar to the detected misspelled word .
4 The meaning of a typical sentence in a natural language is complex in that it results from the combination of meanings which are in some sense simpler .
5 It is the fear of losing love , friendship , or both that provides the means whereby the conscience warns the individual of the consequences of performing acts which are in some way hurtful to other creatures .
6 The trouble is that whereas actors move and speak as nature would have most of us do ( only rather better ) , in the performance of music we are using tools ( with the exception of the human voice ) which are in some way external ; they have to be mastered from without rather than from within — and things do go wrong .
7 Things are put together which are in some way alike or belong together .
8 I am not a Christian because I do not credit , as I earlier put it , that nature and history could be other than closed causal nexuses or believe that there can be events which are in some way qualitatively different from other events .
9 This page lists all the DCs which are in some way related to the DC .
10 ‘ It is nothing whatever to do with the cameras which are in any case not allowed to pan along the benches . ’
11 ‘ By the time the weary reader has plodded that far , it will be clear even to the uninitiated that writing this book was a labour of hate — for reasons reviewers can not be expected to discern and which are in any case of small interest .
12 But managers do not respond to competition in simplistic ways and price signals , which are in any case weak , are usually ignored in favour of other factors which purchasers deem to be more important , for example GP referral patterns .
13 Of course , Mr. Glick was fully entitled to point out to your Lordships that the vast majority of cases concerned with the recovery of tax which is not due will indeed be covered by statutory provisions regulating the right of recovery ; he also suggested that , if it should be held that section 33 has no application in the present case , steps can easily , and may well , be taken at an early opportunity to bring cases such as the present , which are in any event likely to be very rare , within its ambit .
14 No laws of behaviour are going to be formulated which are in any way dependent on the basic physical characteristics of a stimulus .
15 One of the 20 to 2,000 facts you and I did n't know about Quisling which are in this book is that he was a lifelong bigamist .
16 And paragraph twelve , erm towards the the middle , erm you can see the sentence in paragraph twelve To my mind , these sites , which were in that top corner lie well beyond the present I 'm so sorry .
17 If the EEC did wish to go beyond the 1962 agreement on agriculture , the arrangements of which were in any case due to expire in 1965 , if financing was permitted to come from the EEC 's own resources , and if the latter were to be levied on imports , then it was sensible for the EEC budget to come under the control of the European Parliament .
18 The coming of sound was probably crucial in this respect as it obviously placed a new emphasis on the contemporary American voice and on contemporary settings , which were in any case cheaper than conventional sets .
19 Some French troops had to be withdrawn from Brittany to pursue and harry Gaunt 's forces , but the diversion of the expedition from its original destination served to embitter relations between Duke John and Gaunt , which were in any case strained after a quarrel between them over the wages due to their troops , and the English garrisons at Brest , Bécherel ( a fortress some twenty miles south of St Malo ) , and Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte were still hard pressed by du Guesclin 's forces .
20 Focal places have already been considered , but much of the discussion in the past on settlement sites has concentrated on places which were in some way in competition with others for trade , communication or exchange activity .
21 The result is quick and easy problem solving for the personnel manager at a cost of hardware and software which is in all probability a small fraction of the cost of having programs developed , especially on the mini or mainframe computer .
22 Interestingly , in masers , the first electromagnetic wave devices for which equations of the Lorenz type were developed , the problem was that y " in the then best-available cavities was so large compared to y and I " that 2C ( which is in this limit ) was again impossibly high .
23 To take the case of religious education first : in a society that is increasingly mixed in terms of religion and culture and which is in any case predominantly secular , compulsory RE seems an anachronism .
24 Many of those living in the cities are trapped : they can not afford to buy their way out , particularly not to the more prosperous areas of the south and rented accommodation — which is in any case largely urban based — is declining nationally .
25 The editors are in no doubt that this is in respect of Molla Husrev 's medrese in Bursa ( the involvement of the kadi of Bursa in the function of is worth noting ) , which is in any case the only medrese he is known to have endowed .
26 Which is in any case an airwell , with more net curtains at the windows on the other side .
27 Environmentalists point out , however , that the fall in emissions was largely due to the economic recession ; if the UK economy revives , consumption and emissions will increase as a result and further measures will have to be taken to meet the target , which is in any case widely seen as very modest .
28 When we have obtained unc we can perform a check , which is in any event needed when the vectors are normalised .
29 This would seem to cast a burden of proof upon the defendant to establish , on a balance of probabilities , that he comes within the scope of the section , which is in any event couched in very restricted terms .
30 Whether such a prognosis is indeed likely or not is a question to which we shall return shortly , but for the time being let us merely note the danger , which is in any event a very real one , and pass on .
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