Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [adv] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The diverseness of their appearance gives no clue to the similarity in the origin and function of the male and female germ cells ( which are also known as gametes , or marrying cells ) .
2 Also , these studies did not take into account HDL levels , which are well known to be inversely related to serum triglyceride concentrations ( Hulley et al , 1980 ) .
3 Do they happen only on routes which are well known to the driver ?
4 We would be happy to provide such assistance ; however I have not included it in my fee indication since in our experience , time at this stage is very much dependent upon the skill of your lawyer and the complexity of the issues , which are not known at this stage .
5 Finally , LIFESPAN ABLE will enter all modules which are already known to LIFESPAN and are on active DCs .
6 The implication of this is that dividends do not carry significant new information , merely a confirmation of present conditions which are already known from other sources of information .
7 He advises organisations to go for proven and well understood technologies to meet their basic requirements , wherever possible using architectures which are already known within the company — even if different technologies have been implemented on top .
8 In fact , petitions — which are scarcely known before 1272 — quickly became so numerous that by 1280 most were being redirected to the appropriate departments of royal government ( the exchequer and the chancery above all ) and only the remainder were dealt with by the king .
9 They provide a way in which the student can cover up his true self by finding a vocabulary acceptable to most people and a set of facts which are generally known among people generally considered to be generally educated .
10 The front of the thigh is composed of four muscles which are collectively known as the quadriceps .
11 The diets of older people will often consist of foods favoured in their younger days , but which are now known to be deleterious to health .
12 Particularly interesting is the continuity into the Roman period of the characteristic Iron-Age circular house , several examples of which are now known in the small towns ( fig. 2 A–C ) .
13 If z describes market conditions which are only known to the incumbent , then the results above tell us that the entrants gradually get to learn the incumbent 's private information .
14 When the program finds a word with multiple senses , it produces a list of all the synonyms of each of the senses of that word , which are then known as ’ word families ’ .
15 Wine produced by this method is generally accepted as superior to sparklers produced by other less expensive means which are usually known as vin Mousseaux .
16 The campus buildings are based around five squares raised up on concrete stilts which were officially known as podia .
17 The descriptions are a mixture of quotations from texts which were already known at the time of writing , when Rahewin completed the work of Otto von Freising .
18 In those days of rationing and imitation food we associated fish paste and potted meat with the fearful compounds of soya bean flour , dried egg and dehydrated onions bashed up with snoek or Spam which were cheerfully known as " mock crab paste " and meat spread " .
19 These were of the continuous burning vertical " type which were also known as Shaft Kilns .
20 A large collection of fruit trees in the nursery was used in an attempt to settle standard names for the varieties available , which were often known by different labels in different regions , or even different gardens .
21 This includes illnesses which show that there is damage to the immune system and includes those which were formally known as AIDS-Related Complex ( ARC ) as well as the specific conditions which are diagnostic of AIDS .
22 In the eighteenth century , British teachers such as Henry Baker and Thomas Braidwood used oralism as part of a combined system which is nowadays known as Total Communication .
23 Do you suppose there 's anything about a minister 's private life , particularly a minister in that Department , which is n't known to those people whose business it is to discover and document this kind of potential scandal ?
24 What you have made is one of the very simplest double bed slip patterns , which is confusingly known as ‘ Pin-Tuck ’ .
25 The depth of these deposits varies from less than 10 m to more than 200 m and the major drainage system is that of the Huanghe River , which is also known as the Yellow River since it carries a huge volume of yellow silt from the Loess plateau into the Yellow Sea .
26 In the pasture ( which is also known as a ley , ie. a temporary pasture ) will grow lots of clover , chicory and deep rooted herbs .
27 Another favoured scale is the Harmonic minor and its assocaited modes — particularly mode 4 ( the melody of Crushing Day is an example of this ‘ minor lydian ’ sounding scale ) and mode 5 , which is also known as the ‘ phrygian dominant ’ or ‘ Spanish phrygian ’ .
28 ONE of the most graceful of all the Spring bulbs is the Snakeshead Fritillary ( Fritillaria meleagris ) , which is also known as the Chequered Lily .
29 The Cynosurus cristatus — Centaurea nigra meadow , which is also known from the seaboard of western Scotland .
30 It is a law of physics that like attracts like , a principle which is also known in science as resonance .
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