Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mapping on the Exeter ( 325 ) sheet , as part of the Lyme Bay to Bristol Channel project , was concentrated on the Permian New Red Sandstone ( NRS ) of the Crediton Trough , and in the mainly Carboniferous Culm shales , sandstones , cherts and dolerites south-west of Exeter , which are overlain unconformably by basal NRS volcanic rocks and breccias .
2 This quality is lacking in departments such as the Treasury or the Foreign Office which are pre-occupied more with policies than with the handling of individual cases .
3 These memories which are summoned here in Africa seem to me like tendrils of vines attaching themselves to me .
4 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
5 When indirect taxes — taxes such as VAT which are levied mainly on commodities purchased — are taken into account the tax burden on income is even less progressive .
6 Once you have found the blockage ( see opposite ) , you will need a drain clearing set ( this can be hired ) consisting of rods which are screwed together with a choice of accessories to fit on the end .
7 Above the shops are projecting balconies which are supported either on wood or travertine corbels or are continuous along the whole façade .
8 A new oral drug has been selected for clinical trials which are progressing well at The Royal Marsden Hospital .
9 Herbal remedies are usually dispensed as tinctures , either singly or in various combinations which are prepared specifically for the patient on the basis of their complaints .
10 IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists .
11 This is not to argue in terms of structuralism but in terms of a combination of institutional form and individual behaviour — elements which are bundled together as either part of ceteris paribus or part of the residual in factor productivity analyses .
12 Words ( 32 card set ) : 6x4 cards on which are printed either to the left or right of the centre point by approximately 1.5 cms , common words of 3-5 letters .
13 Since much of equity returns are in the form of capital gains , at least in the long run , which are taxed only on realisation , personal tax on equity returns is generally in effect much lower than that on the returns to investing in a company 's debt .
14 the social and economic disadvantages which are suffered particularly by black residents , especially young blacks .
15 Given the claims that many alternative therapies make for the treatment of ‘ incurable ’ conditions , many of which are suffered mainly by older people , it is perhaps time for those responsible for the care of older people to investigate the potential of such treatments as homoeopathy , acupuncture , chiropractic , osteopathy , herbalism and many others .
16 The redistributive impact of the government budget involves numerous problems , which are illustrated below in the form of a convenient list provided by O'Higgins ( 1980 ) and Ruggles ( 1991 ) .
17 Prejudice ( encompassing Racism and Equal Opportunities which are listed separately in the Arrangements document , but can be presented as forms of prejudice )
18 The Review covers some 90 countries , which are listed alphabetically with a resumé of the press and general media situation in each country .
19 All other things which are done instead of talking are a waste of time , are being used as excuses to delay the whole process , and will bear no fruit whatsoever , except the killing which is going on every day …
20 The emphasis on the individual in medical science also camouflages the real causes of ill-health which are rooted in capitalist economic and social structures — poverty , unemployment , pollution , stressful and unsafe working conditions — the costs of which are borne primarily by the working class and help to explain the stability of class inequalities in health status .
21 The existence of a large family of octamer binding proteins many of which are expressed specifically in different cell types such as B cells ( 9 ) , embryonal carcinoma cells ( 10 ) and the testis ( 11 ) suggested the possibility that this site might play a role in the epithelial specificity of the URR by binding an epithelial-specific octamer binding protein .
22 The difficulty of transfecting bloodstream form trypanosomes ( 22 ; DJ unpublished data ) may also be circumvented using this approach , in order to study the function and regulation of genes which are expressed only at this stage of the life cycle .
23 These citizens will be served by instruments of Government at Union level , which are intended eventually to be made democratically accountable .
24 For instance , cinder cones , which are composed entirely of tephra , are structurally too weak to attain a large size ( Fig. 5.8 ) .
25 Peel potatoes thinly to retain those nutrients which are stored just under the skin .
26 It concentrates on a core of 2,500 titles , which are selected jointly by the publisher and Dillons head office , and reviewed regularly .
27 Further ‘ inland ’ you can choose from a myriad of even more music bars and pizzerias which are tucked away in small cobbled squares .
28 The smaller comprises 100,000 holders of ‘ traditional ’ with-profits policies which are invested totally in the participating fund ( none of which have been sold for about six years ) will be totally ring fenced , and both the investment profits and the ‘ infrastructure ’ profits — that is , the profits on the policy management — will remain the property of these policyholders .
29 Apart from personal tax allowances , there is a whole range of other allowances , or benefits , which are gained only on condition that taxpayers undertake a certain pattern of expenditure , such as buying houses , or acquiring a private pension .
30 They were even more unsuccessful " where it was a question of splitting a phonological item " ( thus acquiring a contrast between beer and bear , which are pronounced alike in JC ) .
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