Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [verb] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 All other things which are done instead of talking are a waste of time , are being used as excuses to delay the whole process , and will bear no fruit whatsoever , except the killing which is going on every day …
2 For instance , cinder cones , which are composed entirely of tephra , are structurally too weak to attain a large size ( Fig. 5.8 ) .
3 The self is always a more or less precarious and conflictual construction out of , and compromise between , conflicting and not always conscious desires and experiences , which are born out of the ambivalences and contradictions in human experience and relationships with others .
4 Volcanic bombs are just lumps of solid ( or sometimes plastic ) lava which are lobbed out of the vent , fall back to earth with a wallop , and that 's all .
5 Britain 's invisible earnings , which are made up of a surplus on things like insurance and banking offset by government contributions to the European Community and overseas aid , are now projected to be about £2,670million in 1989 , less than half the £6,100million total earned in 1988 .
6 This chapter will be concerned with the most straightforward kinds of pyroclastic deposits : those which are made up of fragments which have simply been shot up into the air and fallen back down again , so they are known as pyroclastic fall deposits .
7 With these ideas , in concrete mathematical form , it was relatively straightforward to calculate the allowed orbits in more complicated atoms and even in molecules , which are made up of a number of atoms held together by electrons in orbits that go round more than one nucleus .
8 The injunction that an article must be " taken as a whole " will apply to books and plays and films : in the case of magazines , however , which are made up of separate articles , advertisements and photographs , the " dominant impact " principle has less force .
9 The IBM Corp share price has been floating around in the mid-$50s range as the memory of the ghastly fourth quarter begins to fade and odd bits of encouraging news come out — but the first quarter figures will soon begin to loom , and evidence that they will not be too jolly comes from BMC Software Inc , which warns of continuing weakness in international sales , and that customers are delaying purchases to study alternatives to mainframes , which are falling out of favour .
10 In more detail , cacheing utilities are capable of amassing copies of data from frequently accessed areas of the hard disk , which are used instead of the disk versions — and they do n't have to be contiguous ( though if they are , things get faster still ) .
11 They hold debates on a wide variety of topics , some of which are squeezed out of the Commons programme through lack of time .
12 Most of the conglomerates which were made up of a disparate collection of businesses have failed .
13 In the case of coal , this is undoubtedly true : it is the partially decomposed remains of forests , which were made up of giant clubmosses and other extinct trees .
14 Because of the accident that , in the early days , a high proportion of the best anthropological field research wan carried out in societies which were made up of exogamous unilineal descent groups , many textbooks give the impression that unilineal descent is the normal pattern in primitive societies and hence that the distinction between kinship ( of common substance ) and affinity is normally clear-out and unambiguous .
15 This was the case even with black and white ( monochrome ) , though the shallow focal planes preferred in much 1930s cinematography , sharp only on the foreground or middle ground , tolerated slightly dim and fuzzy backgrounds which were seen out of focus in the final process shot .
16 Ashley located the matches , which were kept out of harm 's way in the medicine cabinet , lit the wicks and placed the candles at intervals around the room .
17 Tim Roberts , defending , said both men bitterly regretted their actions ‘ which were born out of a moment 's folly ’ .
18 During the forties and early fifties these , plus the romantic songs evoked by wartime partings , loss and refindings , found a worthy competitor in the more recent folk-songs of America , which were borne out of economic collapse ( on the white hand ) , and subservience and racialism ( on the black ) .
19 On the question of the figures , we have some doubts of the assessments made which were done prior of course to the actual opening of the southern bypass and therefore what would happen when it did happen .
20 It did not so much contest with the establishment as succeed in areas like the mining districts of Cornwall , Kingswood and around Newcastle , where there was no contest in the sprawling villages which were growing out of the reach of a moribund parish structure .
21 A UN report published on Nov. 3 showed that the USA remained the UN 's largest debtor , owing US$295,000,000 of the outstanding US$576,000,000 in contributions to the UN regular budget ( excluding peacekeeping assessments , which were financed out of separate voluntary contributions ) .
22 It carried a silver Cupid , the eyes of which were fashioned out of pure diamonds . ’
23 When the TV star subsequently referred to him in interviews as ‘ an extortionist ’ and ‘ a tennis show pimp ’ , the angry Edwards brought two $10 million suits against Hall for defamation suits which were thrown out of court this March .
24 The 3' end of GGFBPP1 includes genomic sequence ( lower-case letters ) from the adjoining intron , which is spliced out of all other transcripts ( Fig. 2 ) .
25 The consequences of this shift for people 's habits and thought processes provide both the subject-matter and the technique of the novel which is composed entirely of people 's written accounts of their experience of the crisis .
26 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
27 It is now owned by the Paternoster Association , which is made up of British , American and Japanese interests .
28 There is a distinct rural segment of this class which is made up of small commercial farmers , who depend on a casual labour supply .
29 Former Olympic champion Sebastian Coe was appointed president of the new committee which is made up of three members from each of the former rival groups .
30 There is a sheet of cells covering the tooth germ which is made up of a loose mass of cells .
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