Example sentences of "[Wh det] they can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the living cephalopods also have an ink sac which injects a smoky fluid into the water when the animal is threatened , under cover of which they can make their own jet-propelled escape .
2 In a new pool they often die because the water has not matured and there is insufficient debris on the pool floor in which they can make their home .
3 For the Prime Minister and his colleagues , the House can be useful in providing a forum in which they can explain their policies and it is , in any case , necessary to legalize government actions and to vote money .
4 The early experience suggests that for the enthusiast of language , for example , the latter approach and even the former is possible : equally too the science enthusiast in primary schools protests at the ease with which they can familiarise themselves with the process .
5 The loose , fine tufts of roots of these plants will provide an ideal haven for the fish , and also spawning areas in which they can lay their eggs .
6 On telemarketing , the code insists that companies must ring up prospective clients at reasonable hours , do not use high pressure sales tactics and allow prospective purchasers a ‘ cooling off ’ period during which they can change their minds .
7 Their grant has been frozen in real terms at much below the level at which they could expect to survive on it ; they have been denied entitlement to income support , housing benefits and rebates ; there are no jobs with which they can supplement their incomes during vacations ; and those who find themselves desperately hard up discover , when they turn to the hardship fund , that it has already been exhausted .
8 These institutions are simply coping with low pass rates in the matriculation exam , an immediate manifestation of a broader problem of apartheid education which they can do nothing to solve .
9 Increasingly , however , the professionals concerned are finding ways in which they can do their own jobs properly , while working together for the child 's benefit .
10 I knew that both those therapies were designed to attack the cancer cells , the ‘ rogue ’ cells in the body ; what I did not realise was the cost at which they can do it .
11 Bearing in mind that the elderly often most enjoy visits that are on a one-to-one basis , during which they can ventilate their anxieties and have the undivided attention of a sympathetic listener , it is not always a good idea to arrive with several young children in tow , if they can be happily parked elsewhere .
12 This is an expanding market of course and potential sponsors are constantly searching for an appropriate product on which they can lavish their money .
13 ‘ Defence has been perfected to a remarkable degree , ’ he said , ‘ and I have heard it suggested that through its further development football may be brought to a state of stalemate … it will be a sorry reflection on forwards if they have not the intelligence , the inventiveness to devise means by which they can carry their attack to a successful end . ’
14 Most teleost fish are equipped with gas-filled ‘ swim-bladders ’ , with which they can adjust their buoyancy to the particular depth .
15 Many doctors have a standard scale of fees which they can send you .
16 This doctrine appears in an altered form in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads where Wordsworth tells us that he had written about ‘ low and rustic life … because in that situation the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity ’ .
17 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
18 Keep your notes legible Notes must be in a form in which they can serve you later .
19 Decision-makers do not have a ‘ blank sheet ’ upon which they can inscribe their own policy proposals and supersede what came before .
20 Which means that we talk to them about a reasonable rate at which they can pay their rent .
21 However , where the theoretician can help managers is in providing some framework into which they can put their observations about goals .
22 Because beliefs about ourselves are self-fulfilling , these people will continue to find themselves in situations in which they can prove themselves right .
23 Counselling seeks to present troubled individuals with a ‘ mirror ’ through which they can assess their social performance , and the reasons which lie behind its success or failure , its quality or lack of quality .
24 Thus even for the privileged few the length of time during which they can enjoy their peak earnings is being restricted .
25 But Barclays ' Vine-Lott says few people ask the price at which they can sell their shares .
26 In 1824 a retrospective view regretted as one of the social costs of enclosure that " the poor have no place on which they can amuse themselves in summer evenings , when the labour of the day is over , or when a holiday occurs " .
27 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
28 Under the Law Society 's Scheme , representatives who are not accredited will have a period of six months during which they can develop their skills by being paid for work on less serious cases .
29 Students are encouraged to take an active part and regular sessions are held in which they can criticize their teachers .
30 ‘ Does the profession — preparers and auditors — want the new regime to give them principles on which they can use their professional judgment or are they looking for a cookbook ?
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