Example sentences of "[Wh det] you [adv] want [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Decide now what you really wanted to do , and what , with hindsight , would have been good for you to do or have .
2 It is not an easy ride , by any means , and you must be sure that it is what you really want to do .
3 We argued , but in the end she said , ‘ If that 's what you really want to do , then do it . ’
4 You now have several options , so take a bit of time to think through what you really want to do — and get the best advice you can .
5 Goal planning is the act of deciding what you really want to do and then how you will go about doing it .
6 What you really want to do is to get together through to there do n't you ?
7 Second , decide what you really want to see .
8 If you do n't already have goals that you are aiming for a ( at work , at home , and in leisure ) , it is advisable for your to spend some time and work out what you really want to achieve .
9 ( As well as being a useful exercise in inhibition this will also give you time to think about what you really want to convey . )
10 I 'll tell you what you really want to know … ’
11 What you really want to know is what men always want to know about women , namely would she , if asked , and if not , why not .
12 What you really want to know is how long you will have to play at being a lady .
13 Think what you already know and what you now want to know .
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