Example sentences of "[Wh det] he say [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very interesting that , that you , you mention that , as most people do n't yet got their copy of the date Yellow Pages , it was an away from home and I , I was n't , and it was in fact in today 's Yellow Pages an article by David Mason on Richard Lacey 's new book which he 's , seems to be selling at twelve ninety-nine a copy , which , which he says makes hardly any mention of the A B Os , and there 's a comment here from Linda Allen , Undersecretary and basically it 's all very negative , we do n't like this and we do n't like that .
2 A Whitbread spokesman said its deals , which he said do not include supply agreements , were different from the one between Allied Lyons and Brent Walker .
3 Dismissing the appeal , the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Taylor , said the sentence for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility — which he said did not mean total loss of responsibility — was entirely proper and could not be faulted .
4 In such cases someone who says ‘ I know ’ lays himself open to reproach if what he says turns out to be false in much the same way as someone who says ‘ I promise ’ lays himself open to reproach if he does not do what he promised to do .
5 And it all comes over in hard black and white in his report to me , and I 've really only got what he says to go on , in that sort of case .
6 But on reflection what he said sounded perfectly reasonable , despite the ever-present note of wry mockery .
7 Well that 's what he said did n't he ?
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