Example sentences of "[Wh det] i can [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er again that 's a very specific question to which I ca n't give a specific answer .
2 you know , if you do n't pay half year they come and demand the lot which I ca n't make that
3 If you sent one , which I ca n't confirm from my files , and would like it returned , please contact me and I will see whether we can trace it .
4 Which I ca n't eat while you 're still upset . ’
5 The stock consists of : one pair of Ps. lombardi , two Ps. socolofi ( which I ca n't sex ) , one pair of Labidochromis ewarti , a pair of Labidochromis chizimulu and two Labidochromis caeruleus ( unsexable ) .
6 But very often I think tabloid journalism is interesting in terms of language because it 's very punchy it 's succinct because i i in some of our terms you might find people into a three minute reader and a thirty minute reader because in attention span and intellectual capacity are quite different but to actually condense something into meaningful short bursts , even if they are politically biased actually requires a certain amount of skill I would suspect the clarity index which I ca n't find is the process that I mentioned the other night where you take erm some people call it the fog index a correct me if I 'm wrong in my figures , but I think it 's a piece of something like two hundred or three hundred words you count the number of suc erm colons and full stops or is it only full stops ?
7 It comes with a letter which I ca n't find you know , telling them about us .
8 ‘ I think John 's between record contracts , too , which I ca n't understand at all .
9 He makes some allegations which I ca n't understand .
10 A Scottish scientist named six breeds which are so powerful they can kill in seconds , including other breeds which I ca n't remember off-hand .
11 It finished up with one erm very relevant , relevant to this class , quotation erm ca n't remember the last part of it though , he was talking about the Indian , that he had a , talking about it and saying voodism catholism and then the next stage erm which I ca n't remember the word but in effect it meant co-operation and you ca n't get that it seems to me unless you have a , a change of vision , change in erm not just in society but in people because this is where it starts .
12 We 'll also be looking back a little bit at the Breeder 's Cup , we 'll also have the result of your poll for the Channel Four racing personality of the year , there 's the picture puzzle and lots of other things as well which I ca n't remember .
13 And there 's another one on the market which I ca n't remember the name of , which costs a lot more .
14 Lee Walker , of the League 's commercial department , confirmed the ‘ long-standing ’ arrangement , adding : ‘ We will receive a fee , which I ca n't divulge , for the service . ’
15 For instance , take the word ‘ melin ’ ( which incidentally is not unlike the French word for mill — moulin ) : in certain situations , which I ca n't begin to understand , this becomes felin , the F being pronounced V. If you want the F sound , that 's two Fs .
16 ‘ With other illustrators , I work at a distance — we visit and phone , but there is a point at which I ca n't pester them any more , ’ Allan says .
17 So if , for example , I believe that you 've got your belief about whether there 's honey by an especially good method which I ca n't use ( because I ca n't get at your honey pot ) , then I will naturally want to adopt your belief , in order to acquire with it its high chance of being true .
18 other remark , which I ca n't let go unchallenged , that ninety percent of mental health work in the m community is looking after the worried well .
19 which I ca n't live without .
20 It 's something for my wife which I ca n't afford cos I 've been off sick so I thought it would be something nice for her .
21 No , I assure you , he 'll want me to buy him out , which I can easily do .
22 I sincerely wish you many happy returns of the season which I can scarcely realise as the winter of England , so odd does it seem to have the thermometer at 99 on Xmas day .
23 ‘ It 's dated July 15th — just over a year ago — and he writes : ‘ Today father told me something about himself which I can scarcely believe .
24 As to the precise dates , that is not a matter which I can immediately remember .
25 The later term that Freud adopted to this super ego has become synonymous in people 's minds with conscience the idea of the super ego as the the role of conscience and presum presumably that 's another aspect of the same thing and er Serg Moskovicy in his excellent book Age of the Crowd erm which is on the reading list which I can thoroughly recommend in discussing this point of how Freud sees the leader as the kind of super ego of the followers quotes one of the Nuremberg war criminals , I forget which it was now erm Goering or Goebbels or one of these er people who when asked of the Nuremberg war tribunals why did you do the things you did , replied Adolf Hitler was my conscience and that 's er that 's a very erm good example of this idea of er how the the role of conscience can be transferred from the individual to the , to the leader of the group and I suppose Dean you would say erm illustrates one of the greatest dangers of group , group membership because er obviously if if that happens in a group , then erm individuals are to some extent erm surrendering their moral self-responsibility and of course if Freud 's insight is correct , then there was an element of truth in in this in this excuse Adolf Hitler was my conscience .
26 If the Minister checks ’ Erskine May ’ , which I can gladly provide for him , I believe that we can reach common ground on this if there is the will to do so .
27 I have several directories on my hard disk which I can not delete/erase .
28 For I am surprised and enchanted often by some quality which I can not detect .
29 Something inside me which I can not stop is whirling me faster and faster past beauty into oblivion .
30 He pointed out that although my title was an attractive one — since there was such a thing as a ‘ servile ’ society , namely a totalitarian one — the reader would assume that I was using the word liberal in the modern sense , which was certainly not my intention , He then went meticulously through my argument , and it almost pained me that he should take so much trouble over a work which I can not think it deserved .
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