Example sentences of "[Wh det] i [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have three upright basses , and I take two on the road with me , plus an old ‘ 64 Precision which I use on a couple of numbers . ’
2 We began filming with Richard Phillips on the sidelines ( by which I mean on the floor , through the windows , in the lounge and peering at the man peering through the lens ) , Nigel ( Grubby ) Foster and Michael Hall representing J Walter Thompson , the Agency .
3 The revenue settlement is matched by the substantial local government capital settlement for ninety four five which I announced on the thirtieth of November .
4 ‘ As I told you , I did n't go out much when I worked in London , but I 've got a silk dress which I wore on the few times I went to the opera .
5 Steve mentioned , you know , to put fifteen , twenty pounds a month into it erm and you said well we 'll come back to that later which I think on the face of it is probably er a right way of going about it cos you did n't get interrupted at that stage talking about a specific product so I think that was er that was good .
6 Yeah I was sure that 's what our team wrote down cos that 's what I wrote on the sheet
7 Years abroad had made me wary of what I said on the telephone .
8 Just time for a card — we leave in half an hour — had our last night on the Johnny Walker now it 's local firewater or nothing remember what I said on the phone and do n't have it cut too short .
9 ‘ I meant what I said on the plane , ’ she reminded him stiffly , even though she knew it was a wasted effort .
10 Now I know what I saw on the bridge ! ’
11 She has n't yet been told what I saw on the sonogram by the way .
12 I tell you what I saw on the telly this morning .
13 because what I say on the phone I make it absolutely clear .
14 NO MATTER what I say on the Everton debate , I 'm going to get stick .
15 But I have to confess that what I save on the weedless swings , I lose on the rampant roundabouts .
16 I can remember what I did on the first day of my holiday last year
17 I 'm only in the public eye because of what I do on the ice . ’
18 Though I could probably find what I need on a skip if we could borrow the car again .
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