Example sentences of "[Wh det] it mean [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 When he first reached the blissful shore of the redhead 's body , a peculiar idea occurred to him : he now knew at last what it meant to be absolutely modern ; it meant to lie on the shore of the redhead 's body .
2 But the lessons he learned from those formative years were to stand him in good stead later on when he was to understand what it meant to be a director from first-hand experience .
3 The heated debates in Western Europe around the year 400 on the meaning of perfection had their roots in the uncertainty about what it meant to be a genuine Christian in a society of fashionable Christianity .
4 Carrying the banner of the nuclear industry , it was well aware of what it meant to be a target for the new generation of environmentalists .
5 In the early 1950s the anthropologist A. Irvin Hallowell reconsidered the whole issue in the light of what it meant to be a human person .
6 I just want to read three anecdotes which , and I mean I 've given you sort of odd statistics and the advantage of anecdotes is that they actually put flesh on the bones I think , and they really give you a sense of what it meant to be er a peasant in China in the nineteen thirties .
7 Perhaps when we stopped asking what it meant to be fighting a war in Northern Ireland .
8 I turned to an investigation of my own family and my class background , and what it meant to be a woman … = This was the starting point of a project on ‘ my history ’ which I began by tentatively examining photographs of myself and ended by taking control over how I wanted to be photographed .
9 He understood what it meant to be sixteen .
10 It does , however , have a missionary vision of what it means to be truly human , derived partly from rational reflection on human capacities and desires , but supremely from its conviction that we glimpse true humanity in the life , death and teaching of Jesus .
11 If you can understand Berlin then perhaps it is also possible to make some sense of what Europe may now become and of what it means to be a European .
12 Although the evangelicals in the DUP are clearly out of step with most Ulster Protestant voters , they still represent the ideological centre of unionism , of what it means to be a Protestant .
13 Although she says that it was not necessarily an easy step to take , her community was behind her , and the reactions she has had from friends and teachers have convinced her that the step she took was an important one , challenging stereotypes in the West about what it means to be a Muslim girl , and bringing her a great sense of identity and of no longer being at odds with herself .
14 Fat is a Feminist Issue by Susie Orbach ( Hamlyn , 1978 ) was revolutionary when it first came out , with its detailed look at what it means to be fat and thin in our society , and to each of us individually .
15 According to the Men 's Movement , second only to the father is the older male who will help teach a young man what it means to be a man and help remove him from his father 's influence .
16 In these we shall attempt to say what it means to be social , for in that attempt lies a further definition of ‘ mind ’ .
17 It is impossible to understand the activities of the human person without considering what it means to be social .
18 Earlier in the book we examined the essence of what it means to be a person .
19 These inward struggles for wholeness as a person lie at the heart of what it means to be a Christian .
20 As we give up concentrating on our selves , our lives begin to reflect more clearly what it means to be human , as God intended us to be .
21 In a world that substitutes power for relationships , lust for love and magic for the true love of God , we will always have to fight to express the truth of what it means to be truly human .
22 Instead he is as incomprehensible as the blurred tattoos which decorate his skinny arms , as jumbled as his own words on What it Means to Be a Skin .
23 What it means to be a reader varies according to how the text is circulated , what kinds of attention are paid to it , in what social setting .
24 Obscenity ‘ represents a much more fundamental assault on men and women and what it means to be human … [ it distorts ] human personality by depicting it as deprived of those characteristics which are essential to humanity [ since ] common to all obscene productions is the degradation of persons and of relations between persons ’ .
25 Who teaches us what it means to be a man or a woman ?
26 Despite the risks , Jonathan flies for the sheer joy of exploring his potential , of extending the boundaries of what it means to be a seagull .
27 But everyone here now realises what it means to be in the Premier League .
28 That , I believe , is the real test of our fellowship and is right at the heart of what it means to be a responsible member of a Baptist church practising as we do the principle of congregational government .
29 Occasionally we hear of staff abuse and there is outrage , but more often than not we simply do not think of what it means to be old or shut away .
30 They have intimate experience of what it means to be rejected , forgotten , isolated .
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