Example sentences of "[Wh det] [indef pn] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The mania for forming industry consortia is getting so out of hand that a group of leading manufacturers , software developers and vendors are coming together to make some sense of it and eliminate duplicated effort by creating a single consortium to which everyone will be invited to belong : there is no confirmation of suggestions that the idea was the first initiative from new IBM Corp chief Louis Gerstner , who accedes to the top job today , but we hear that the army of companies is still bogged down arguing about what to call the thing — the best they 've dreamed up so far is the Consortium for Object-oriented Methods and Programming for the Unix Terminal and Enterprise-wide Recasting of Interactive Networked Database Undertakings with Software Transitioning and Revision for Y'all , but they ca n't find a snappy acronym to fit the words .
2 Daniel Defoe describes the Fens shrouded in fog , through which nothing could be seen ‘ but now and then the lanthorn or cupola of Ely Minster ’ .
3 The danger of over-embalming is not there because these fluids are designed to be mixed , not like old fashioned fluids with which nothing could be mixed except some Fairy Liquid for lanolin content .
4 The things which were there were the objects by which someone might be identified .
5 In fact there are very few goods that are pure public goods ; that is , goods that yield benefits from which nobody can be excluded and for which the amount the individual can consume does not diminish as the number of consumers increases .
6 A dramatic example of the problems with which one may be faced if the totality of the individual , with his interlinking planes of being , is not kept in mind concerned a delegate at a hypnosis conference .
7 A display page containing a list of options from which one may be selected .
8 Obtaining includes getting property to which one may be entitled such as money from the Department of Social Services : Lally [ 1989 ] Crim LR 648 .
9 Such a theory might claim , for instance , that to understand a proposition is to be able to tell the difference between circumstances in which one would be justified in believing it and those in which one would not .
10 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
11 Evidence of this can be seen in the surprising number of items surviving from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , which one could be forgiven for thinking were only a few decades old .
12 Which one can be decided arbitrarily ( as in the preceding chapter ) or using penalties ( as in this chapter ) .
13 The space created will be like a tented temple in which everything may be seen in a different landscape , the familiar becomes strange and muted whilst the unfamiliar echoes past resemblances .
14 These matters are important because they explain how Pound and Eliot , who had campaigned as a team and would help each other for many years to come , radically differed not just in themes and attitudes ( of which something will be said hereafter ) but at this deep level , in the not altogether conscious interstices of their craft .
15 The court has now three divisions : a Queen 's Bench Division , a Chancery Division , and a Family Division ( successor to the probate , Divorce , and Admiralty Division , of which something will be said in Chapter 3 ) .
16 Speaking of the aims of Christian Aid , he illustrated ways in which something could be done , by describing our Sale and saying ‘ If I 'm proud of anything , I 'm proud of that ’ .
17 A situation has arisen in which something must be done at once .
18 The question posed is , What is the minimum acceptable budget below which anyone would be accepted as poor ?
19 It can not be over-emphasised that skeleton arguments are not formal documents to the terms of which anyone will be held .
20 But on Christmas Eve , the final day on which anything could be done , it was announced that the sentence would stand .
21 The words furnished tenancy would be empty vessels into which anything could be poured .
22 This , perhaps , was the most fundamental objective of the reformers : to end a system in which the population was seen as a ‘ building material from which anything could be moulded ’ and to create in its place a ‘ highly moral society of free , creatively thinking , active and independent people ’ .
23 She could be matched to any of four performers in the floorshow ; Josie was n't sure why , but it was as if her teenager 's skin and certain odd , somehow held-back elements of her personality made her into a blank sheet onto which anything could be drawn .
24 I will give you an example of what one might be confronted with in the future from , from a piece from the Environment Committee in the House of Commons ' Report on Coastal Zone Planning and Management and it says here , we fail to see what is impractical about treating the seabed as submerged land an opinion shared by the Royal Town Planning Institute no less and if planning authorities can deal with issues like public rights of way , aggregate extraction multiple use on land , they should be able to cope with rights of navigation and extraction of sea .
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