Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment the Secretary of State , if he sets a tariff period which exceeds that recommended by the judiciary , is not under an absolute obligation to give reasons for departing from the judicial view .
2 Thus the free energy of mixing , ΔG M is which shows that mixing in ideal systems is an entropically driven , spontaneous process .
3 For instance , all verbs agree with their subjects in gender and number , which means that links between the two are clear even when they are separated by a number of embedded clauses with their own subjects and verbs .
4 All of which means that changing to Castrol GTX2 should give you a rather warm and pleasant feeling .
5 This model , which echoes that used by Oliver MacDonagh to explain the growth in nineteenth century government , relies on a high degree of consonance in the wishes of lawyers and their clients , a not unreasonable assumption given the limited access to divorce in Stone 's period .
6 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
7 What these approaches have most in common , however , is that they challenge a view of education which is concerned only with male experience , and which treats that experience as the ‘ norm ’ .
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