Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [adv] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result was that they received both a big two-year increase and a pay review body which has since been responsible for a further substantial increase in their salaries .
2 The strengthening of this centralist trend , which has also been evident in other aspects of state schooling , is seen to culminate in the government 's consultation paper The National Curriculum 5–16 ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) whose proposals were incorporated in a largely unchanged form in Chapter 1 of the 1987 Education Reform Bill .
3 He brings to football a dimension which has n't been present since the days of the great wingers .
4 The Macari honeymoon period is in full swing and there 's a determination and self-belief about the players which has n't been visible for some time .
5 DEC is likely to add an open application programming interface to ACMS , which has previously been available only on VMS-based server systems .
6 Organisations such as the British Mountaineering Council see this as the thin end of the wedge where payment will be demanded for access to land which has previously been open to the public .
7 Thus we can normally expect a mature mind in a person at work and although developmental processes of growth and senescence are of some interest , studies of the person working usually assume that we are dealing with a mind which is equipped with the basic skills derived from play and education but one which has not been subject to any serious diminution of capacity .
8 The writers view the evidence in terms of an early medieval building tradition which has not been apparent until recently because of the variable quality of the surviving evidence .
9 So I can still hear him talking to me when I 'm doing some of this stuff , especially when I 'm trying to sing — which has not been easy .
10 The postcode to Enumeration District directory and the digitised boundary data enable it to be mapped and compared with data compiled on a different geographical basis , an aid which has not been available for censuses prior to 1981 .
11 ‘ This is attractive for when the variable premium goes many farmers will look at early lamb production , which has not been profitable enough in the past when the cost of spongeing was included .
12 The requirement of being implementable in the form of programs imposes a new and healthy constraint on theorising which has not been present previously .
13 Latvia , in common with other former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union , is looking to the West not only for help but ideas as it tries to rebuild its shattered economy and create a better way of life in a society which has not been used to making decisions for itself .
14 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
15 ( 12 ) No election held in pursuance of this Act shall be deemed to be vitiated in consequence of any technical defect in the proceedings which has not been prejudicial to the interests of any party concerned in such election .
16 Ownership has sometimes been transferred into local hands ( private or state ) while the original owners have continued as managers on a financial basis which has frequently been unrelated to their performance .
17 The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party , which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option .
18 Undoubtedly the freeing of research funds for health service research creates an opportunity for purchasers and providers to collaborate to maximise the benefit to primary care research , which has traditionally been underfinanced .
19 Official Soviet anti-semitism , which has undoubtedly been observable since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 , must be measured against the rise of popular anti-semitism since political mobilisation ( including that of reactionaries ) became permitted again , not to mention the massacre of Jews on a considerable scale by local elements in the Baltic states and Ukraine , as the Germans marched in but before the systematic German killing of Jews began .
20 It is in the nature of a goal oriented specialty to take on new tasks , which has often been necessary in the past .
21 We are looking at several opportunities and will benefit from our involvement with the quarrying side of Wimpey Minerals which has always been involved in marketing its products on a free-market basis , ’ says John Chance .
22 Unfortunately , we were unable to contribute to a resolution of these problems without moving away from the non-participant minority shareholding which has always been central to our involvement in Bank of Edinburgh . ’
23 Since 1980 , the economy , which has always been dependent on exports of a small range of agricultural products , especially coffee , has become highly dependent on US aid .
24 Erm , which has certainly been noticeable , is likely to cause a few problems , because in August are off , and so on .
25 One process which has certainly been important is geographical isolation .
26 As a result of investigating unsolved problems in biology , including how a seed or egg can contain the essence which grows into the new individual member of the same species , he postulated ( something which has long been familiar to those with a spiritual or esoteric background ) the existence of what must , by implication , be a non-physical mould or pattern , what he calls a ‘ morphogenetic field ’ , which survives the death of the physical form , and which shapes the individual tree , animal and flower of each species , just as the individual field around a magnet can create a pattern in a scatter of iron filings .
27 It is widely assumed that ‘ real ’ country people are in favour of development as a source of new jobs and housing while the rich commuter is only concerned to protect his equity and a style of living which has never been available to the locals .
28 This will help us to get beyond the phase of advocacy of " tolerance " which has never been adequate on its own .
29 There is little up-to-date evidence , but that which exists broadly is consistent with them .
30 By capturing , albeit in a somewhat crude form , what has previously been transient and ephemeral it points the way to a means whereby artistic judgment itself might be judged .
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