Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 In the medieval period the church was also involved in the brewing of its own church-ales , which were made on an occasional basis and produced a useful income supplement ; in late medieval times these were often served in the Church House that frequently adjoined the churchyard .
2 There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form .
3 Finally in this section , it is worth pointing out that in the first Unit of this course we learnt that organisations which were based on an open system ( where information flowed in and out through a ‘ permeable boundary ’ to its environment and publics and where adjustment was made in the light of feedback ) , were more able to adapt to change and continue to prosper .
4 Various works of contemporary Irish silver which were selected from an open submission competition include pieces by Kevin O'Dwyer , Peter Donovan and Brian Clarke .
5 In particular , it will further extend the use of in-depth discussion groups which were pioneered in an earlier study of popular vales for open space which was funded by the ESRC and the Countryside commission between 1985-7 .
6 They also have a number of plastic air powered ornaments which were included in an earlier review .
7 Both sides agreed that " progress " had been made in the talks , which were aimed at an agreement replacing the 1947 security treaty giving the USA full control over the Clark air base and Subic naval base and four smaller installations .
8 The PLO Executive Committee met in Algiers on May 29-30 to discuss the talks , which were described in an official statement as " positive " .
9 After the marriage , many British merchants began to settle in Madeira to take advantage of Charles II 's protectionist policies which were embodied in an Act of 1665 banning the export of European goods to the English colonies .
10 Last year Amnesty heard that Orton Chirwa , who has died in prison in Malawi , aged 73 , was being kept in a squatting position in handcuffs and leg-irons , which were chained to an iron-bar behind his knees .
11 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in an accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is prohibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
12 These , which were read at an ordinary meeting of members , said that the administration had broken faith with the profession through not fulfilling the conditions on which ‘ a large body of professional men ’ had entered the competition .
13 Owners Rea C Richardson benefit from his onboard beet harvester jack , which was made from an ex-Moreau ram with home-brewed framing .
14 The plaintiff was at all material times the beneficial owner of Caliban , a house in Tucker 's Town in Bermuda , which was built on an oblong-shaped area of land measuring 2.85 acres fronting onto the ocean .
15 Some of these hopes are illustrated in this letter , which was written by an English teacher in one of the Education Workshops .
16 Some 40 countries or international banks were represented at the meeting , which was attended by an Israeli delegation and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation led by Zein Mayassi , a " diaspora Palestinian " , but boycotted by Syria and Lebanon , both of which had also boycotted the May round of multilaterals .
17 The CBD was distinguished by a dominance of shops and offices which was followed by an area of mixed or changed land-use , showing signs of transition which was difficult to give a name to .
18 Cyprus was de facto divided between two states , the ( Greek Cypriot ) Republic of Cyprus and the ( Turkish Cypriot ) TRNC in 1975 after the civil war which had been precipitated in 1974 by a coup by Greek Cypriot supporters of union with Greece which was followed by an invasion by Turkish troops .
19 The FSLN denied responsibility for the murder which was followed by an assassination attempt on Chamorro , allegedly by right-wing elements .
20 During the meeting with him a few months before his death which was recorded in an article published in the London Review , Philip Roth found him as keen as mustard : here was someone who listened , with the intent stillness of a chipmunk .
21 The document , which was developed from an exposure draft issued by the ASB in July 1991 , explains the authority , scope and application of accounting standards as well as setting out the procedures under which standards are issued and their relationship to international accounting standards .
22 Valeriu Pescaru , nominated as a Cabinet-rank Secretary of State responsible for the privatization of agriculture , was a member of the small Democratic Agrarian Party , which was regarded as an NSF satellite .
23 In the context of the mobilisation and assertiveness of organised labour under Heath 's government , the industrial policy proposals became charged with a stronger element of workers ' control which was seen as an essential component of the ‘ planning agreements ’ to be made with large enterprises , and vital to their enforcement .
24 Saved by the financial straits of the crown from effective attack by the reforming bureaucrats of the later eighteenth century , the sheep-owners could not hope to defeat the pressure of the municipalities and local courts , when supported by opinion increasingly hostile to corporate privilege , which was seen as an impediment to economic development .
25 Rulers often felt that a hereditary privileged class alone possessed the sense of personal honour which was seen as an essential ingredient in the make-up of a successful officer .
26 The President of the United Arab Emirates , Shaikh Zaid bin Sultan al-Nahayan , on April 28 began a three-day visit which was seen as an important milestone in efforts to strengthen bilateral co-operation .
27 Lastly , the sentence , which was said with an Irish accent and a ‘ dead-pan ’ face , is n't particularly logical .
28 This represents a significant improvement over the revenue budget for the year , approved in July 1991 , which was based on an estimated surplus of £1.6m .
29 The RSPCA has called in the Ministry of Agriculture to investigate the living conditions of animals on a farm which was hit by an arson attack .
30 There was virtually no support in Sussex for the French Revolution when it broke out in 1789 , and the wars which followed produced a widespread patriotic fervour which was matched by an equal growth in exploitation and popular desperation as the twenty years of conflict had deeper affects on local economic life .
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