Example sentences of "[Wh det] [is] [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This can be done by apply the formulae of Chapter 6 or , directly , by noting that replacing x 2 + σ 2 = 7 with x 2 + σ 2 = 3 can be effected by replacing σ 2 with σ 2 + 4 , so that the equation corresponding to the first row : becomes which is equivalent to replacing the RHS with 4 .
2 The graph in Figure 11.1 is useful because it illustrates the relationship between the real money stock and real national income over the long term , ( more than 100 years ) , which is equivalent to comparing the actual money stock with nominal national income .
3 By 1990 the level had reached 353 ppm , an increase of 38 ppm since 1958 which is equivalent to adding about 80 Gt of carbon to the atmosphere ( figure 6.9 ) .
4 Cables currently in use transmit half a billion ( 500 million ) pulses per second which is equivalent to carrying about 100,000 simultaneous telephone calls .
5 since the poles of this function are given by where p is any integer including zero , which is equivalent to rejecting poles in the positive half of the s-plane reveals that the transfer function to be provided is or Two reactive components are needed to achieve second-order response and so the relevant low-pass filter in conjunction with the load resistance R is as shown in figure 12.2(a) .
6 Garman and Klass defined the classical estimator of unc as , which is equivalent to applying the formula where , ( the mean of ) , and n = 1 .
7 WALLASEY MP Angela Eagle has been elected to chair the Parliamentary Labour Party 's employment committee , which is influential in formulating Labour policy on the issue .
8 The effect of which is similar to stirring a cup of tea .
9 ( Indeed , a handwriting recognition system has been developed which is better at distinguishing between a hand-printed v and u than humans ( Suen & Shillman , 1977 ) ) The types of knowledge humans use include lexical , syntactic , semantic and pragmatic information although none of these are used in isolation .
10 Linguistics can seek to clarify teachers ' thinking about the complex relationship between words and concepts , which is central to formulating an approach to specialist language in the classroom .
11 Law ( b ) is more falsifiable than law ( a ) , which is tantamount to saying that it claims more , that it is the better law .
12 ‘ There are no fractures , ’ he said , ‘ which is astonishing after falling from such a height .
13 The group projects a version of the formal om-nicompetence of all solicitors as a device for generating trust from the public which is used to making its own judgement of other occupations .
14 " The European Council underlined the importance in this context of reinforcing the convergence process among the member states ' economies , which is crucial for maintaining monetary stability and for creating the framework for sustainable growth and rising employment …
15 Hugh was already committed to the marathon trip when he heard that the special care school had been burgled and had lost a vital computer and software , which is crucial in helping the children 's development
16 But at least the food is there in a crisis — and is also there ready and waiting in the event that a government comes to power which is serious about getting food through to the poorest .
17 Ethernet networking comes from Xerox , a company which is famous for developing significant advances in personal computing , but then failing to take commercial advantage of them .
18 Whatever the parties negotiate in respect of the warranties , if any of the managers makes a false statement of fact which is material in inducing the investor(s) to enter the agreement , a right of rescission will arise , whether the statement is written into the agreement or not , either at common law if the misrepresentation is fraudulent , or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 if it is negligent or innocent .
19 Temporal distance is encoded by the past tense , reflecting content time , which is separate from coding time .
20 which is useful for taking the heat off the window itself in the Summer .
21 All four rooms are linked by double-door access , Meeting Rooms 3 and 4 being divided by a partition which can be removed to create a larger meeting area , which is useful for bringing together syndicate groups .
22 The ‘ functional ’ argument provides a discursive strategy which is useful for implicating all sorts of groups and individuals in racism who would otherwise have cast-iron alibis .
23 Some models will also convert from a two wheeled sack barrow into a four wheeled multi-purpose truck which is useful for moving heavy items like paving slabs .
24 And you can split the screen into two windows , which is useful for comparing the contents of two directories .
25 You can also get flexible corrugated waste pipe , which is useful for connecting between a trap outlet and the pipe passing through the wall .
26 For example , Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces pyoluteorin ( 3 ) , which is effective in controlling damping-off in cotton caused by Pythium ultimum ( this disease prevents or retards the establishment of seedlings ) ; other strains of the same bacterium produce pyrrolnitrin ( 4 ) , which is active against a range of fungal pathogens of cotton , whereas phenazine-1-carboxylic acid ( 5 ) is active against take-all or ‘ whiteheads ’ of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici , which infects roots .
27 Lord Alexander said that problems in Britain could be tackled by using ‘ best practice ’ but , he said , ‘ this may need reinforcement , either through a widely accepted code of practice which is effective in securing payment or , in the last resort , through legislation . ’
28 In some kinds of violent volcanic eruptions pyroclasts combine with large quantities of hot gases to form a fluid-like flow which is capable of moving very rapidly even over very low gradients .
29 fibre-optics — a fibre-optic cable is a finely drawn strand of glass of some tenth of a millimetre in diameter , which is capable of sending high-speed pulses of light in binary form .
30 Because the Z88 is a sophisticated computer which is capable of holding several programs in memory concurrently , this option has complications .
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