Example sentences of "[Wh det] [to-vb] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She never knew what to answer when he said that .
2 This genial host admits that many English people do n't really know what to expect when they visit the Emerald Isles .
3 They never knew what to expect when they came home from school ! ’
4 Few know when they may see their husbands , or what to expect when they walk through the gates .
5 A super , super three days , er nobody knew what to expect when we came here , except that Mike Etherington-Smith was going to build a super course .
6 Kate , pregnant with her second baby , thought she knew what to expect when it came to giving birth , especially since she 'd had a long labour first time round .
7 I did n't know what to expect when I came back to school .
8 It was an invitation to show work in the Arts Council 's ‘ Three Perspectives on Photography ’ show at the Hayward Gallery in 1979 which turned her back towards the family : ‘ I have never been asked to produce work for use in a gallery before , and had no idea what to expect when I showed it .
9 I knew nobody and had no idea of what to expect when I presented myself to the new teacher in my new black overall and white collar .
10 Cos I did n't really know what to expect when he said oh
11 A docker was never sure what to expect when he reported for work in the morning .
12 ‘ You knew what to expect when you came to my room tonight .
13 Significantly , in August too , It was promoting ‘ a new information publication on what to do and where to go in London , a comprehensive directory of events and places covering clothes , food , help , lectures , exhibitions , groups , jazz/folk clubs , films , theatre , cinema , music , swimming , fairs , puppets , and many other things , telling you how to get there , and what to expect when you arrive ’ .
14 He told me what to do when we got there , and how to speak to different people .
15 We wo n't know what to do when we get there .
16 You do n't know what to do when they get older do you ?
17 — Hardware — Software — Procedures — How it all goes wrong — What to do when it does go wrong — How to prevent it going wrong — How to evaluate products
18 ‘ I was a bit surprised , ’ said McNab , ‘ I did n't really know what to do when it flew in . ’
19 Then the scuffles subside and I think I hear my bedroom door opening , so my finger tightens on the trigger and I hear my name and I shake my head and I recognize the voice and I know it is Jancey and she 's shouting where am I and I think they 've grabbed her and made her act the decoy and I 'm trying to work out what to do when I hear what she 's saying .
20 I mean I get phone calls everyday all day long from VETS who are saying I 've got this prickly ball , what the hell do I do with it , you see , and I can explain to them how to try and unroll a hedgehog and then what to do when you get inside the hedgehog .
21 Sitting down between two piles of books Endill began to read Useful Tips on Flying , but it was more about what to do when you had a plane rather than how to make one .
22 what to do when you stand up there like an idiot so to sum up that the three most important things the span of conception nerves and clusters .
23 What to do when you have an accident
24 What to do when someone dies .
25 How he disciplined himself to make ends meet in that difficult time he explained in his book What To Do When Someone Has Debt Problems , A Practical Survival Guide ( 1985 ) , in the Introduction to which he wrote :
26 ‘ Assistance with Mortgage Repayments ’ available from the Building Societies Association , ‘ What To Do When Someone Has Debt Problems ’ by John McQueen , published by Elliot Right Way Books , ‘ How to Cope with credit and Deal with Debt ’ by Ann Andrews and Peter Houghton , ’ Debt : A Survival Guide ’ available free from the Office of Fair Trading , Field House , London .
27 ‘ I did n't know what to do when he came back from the zone .
28 But contempt had returned with a vengeance , erasing everything else the moment he realised she did n't know what to do when he changed the boat 's direction .
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