Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Why then cut ourselves off from the one source in which may be found an authoritative statement of the intention with which the legislation is placed before Parliament ?
2 The Criminal Law Revision Committee took the view that the phrase ‘ without consent ’ was a legal term which should be given a highly circumscribed interpretation .
3 Maintaining a sanctuary which must be kept a total secret .
4 There followed a period when both these positions were held by hearing persons , which must be considered a backward development in the evolution of the BDDA .
5 One has the impression that in the time that followed the war , compared with the pre-war period , there occurred a change which might be called a loosening of manners .
6 Increasingly it has been challenged by a rival account which might be called a ‘ teleology of the oppressed ’ .
7 Past problems — in particular in the interwar depression — were analysed within a framework which might be termed a Keynesian hindsight model [ Pollard , 1969 ; 1983 ] .
8 This has involved close linkages between private and public capital and between mining and other sectors of the economy , giving rise to a core economic bloc which might be termed a mineral-energy complex .
9 Within his framework , pollution , which might be considered a cost imposed on society but not paid for by the company creating the pollution , results from a deficient system of property rights .
10 A special box was used , on to the lid of which could be flashed a variety of patterns whenever a bird approached it .
11 There could be and possibly will be a wide range of views as to what features of the medieval world are most deserving of study but again teachers will have to make judgements about which elements are more significant and which could be given a " broad brush " treatment .
12 Perhaps Puccini discovered part of the secret of including a degree of narration within a melodic framework which could be called an ‘ aria ’ without upsetting the melodic and formal definition of the music .
13 The Prospect Inn , which could be restored a major tourist attraction , is also threatened by a road widening proposal by Kent County Council , although the local authority , Thanet , understand its importance and value the building .
14 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
15 For specific item searches , Okapi presented the user with a form-filling type of screen on which could be entered a title and/or an author 's name .
16 We may call this a disparity of structure , as opposed to Bach 's , which could be termed a referential disparity .
17 The regional variety of a language differing from the standard language in vocabulary , pronunciation or idiom ; it may be the variety of a language according to the user , which could be termed an idiolect .
18 A recommended density of 136 persons per acre ( up to 200 in parts ) would involve the decentralization of 618,000 people , to which would be added a further 415,000 people for decanting from overcrowded places outside the LCC , giving a total of 1,033,000 in all .
19 They distinguish between the function of language as imparting meaning , ‘ making statements which can be assigned a set of truth conditions ’ ( ibid. ) , and its function of regulating and maintaining social or interpersonal relations between people .
20 This represents a very big , complex and highly aggregated market within which can be discerned a very large number of smaller labour markets .
21 From the beginning of his career Ashton frequently used the old stereotypes but created unique dances which can be called a translation of favourite comic play into the language of ballet .
22 The story of a children 's Christmas , climaxing in a party , comes towards the lower end of these two extremes , and we are going to take it as the plot on which can be built an interesting home movie .
23 Beside it is a small round table on which can be seen a photograph of my wife and me with our three elder children ; then there is an armchair also with a long seat and a dark-blue dog bed for our two spaniels beside another table with books and magazines .
24 Secondary information services typically index a document into terms of an indexing language which can be considered a semantic net .
25 This is a sort of ‘ semi-film ’ , made by shooting the pictures of a specially drawn storyboard with a rostrum camera , which makes it possible to produce an almost moving picture with varying lengths of focus , to which can be added a recorded soundtrack .
26 Hilton describes the story of man before the Fall as a time when reason was clear and bright , love directed only towards the goodness of God and man 's potential fulfilled as his soul " whilk may be called a made trinite was fulfilled in mynde and loue of vnmade blissed trinite whilk is oure lord " ( 43a.314. – 114 ) .
27 That is , the appearance of AB being shorter than BC is not what may be called a ‘ perspectival appearance ’ .
28 The ideas were in effect harnessed to what may be called a theory of progressivism ; that is , a belief which embraced socialism as an ideal but which argued that , with the coming of democracy , socialism could be achieved through a process of gradual evolution from the old order to the new .
29 It is believed moreover to be the case that , as God , Jesus had what may be called a trans-historical knowledge .
30 Lastly , I have tried to show tat the mechanical properties of many polymers may be described using the concepts and terminology of composites , so indicating the usefulness of what may be called a theory of materials .
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