Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Fylingdales parish returned only ten taxpayers even though its biggest settlement was the lively village of Robin Hood 's Bay , where Leland observed twenty fishing boats , each of which may be reckoned the livelihood of one family at the very least .
2 Such , too , was the theme that intensified in their fiction towards middle age , which may be called the agony of a lost Eden .
3 The basic duty provides us with the fundamental rule of conduct which may be called the rule of law ; viz. , that we must not only not injure , but must also work to promote , social solidarity .
4 There is a catastrophic ‘ implosion ’ , which may be called the opposite of an explosion , followed by a shock-wave which literally blows the star apart in what is called a supernova outburst .
5 Thus an envelope bounding these wells showing minimum or no uplift on the diagram defines a zone of ± 400 ft ( 120 m ) which may be termed the standard maturity-depth gradient for the Southern North Sea ; all the data points which define the zone were derived from Westphalian age strata .
6 The committee was seriously convinced of the benefits that must result from an institution to cultivate and teach veterinary medicine ; the object of this committee 's concern , and that of Vial , were one and the same ; and it was greatly to be desired that the two plans — that of the Odiham Agricultural Society and that of Vial — ( which may be termed the Alfort plan ) should be consolidated into one .
7 Vincent would have applauded the religious tenor of Lawrence 's Foreword to Sons and Lovers , and especially this : ‘ So there is the Father — which should be called the Mother … ’
8 Powerfully supported in West Germany by leading academic figures such as Professor Ingolf Lamprecht , Head of Freie University 's Institute of Biophysics in Berlin , and in Canada by Professor James Webb of Victoria University 's Department of Biophysics , to name only two , his work has been described as being of prophetic insight , incredibly productive and important and the most significant breakthrough in the field of cancer research today , one which should be given the highest priority in terms of social worth , funding and exposure by the media , as such discoveries can literally usher in a new science for the benefit of all humanity .
9 In writing the minutes , which should be done the same evening if you wish to avoid mental stress , the general tenor of the debate , as well as its conclusions , should appear .
10 { Text table number ? } to which should be entered the number in the box labelled{ From Table Number } .
11 Erm they are the crit the two criteria which I I consider alongi along with the greenbelt and the need to be located on a public transport corridor , which must be given the most weight in the in the decision making process .
12 I think it convenient in this judgment first to set out the salient facts of the case , as found by the judge , and then to consider the authorities from which must be extracted the principles of law and equity to be applied to the facts .
13 The town has some fascinating historical buildings , among which must be mentioned the old Town Hall with its Black Tower , the Latin school with its allegorical front , the salt house with its striking black and white shutters , the house where Pestalozzi , the Swiss educational reformer , died in 1827 , a parish church dating from 1480 , and a cluster of houses in a happy jumble of styles around the Heimatsmuseum .
14 Underlying all of them is a form of thinking which might be called the ‘ urge to quantify ’ .
15 It is the author 's view that , when referring to the interdisciplinary use of law and economics , there is no particular ‘ brand ’ or ‘ mix ’ of economics and law in mind , except that which might be called the ‘ tentative application of economics to law ’ .
16 I can do this best by way of a personal anecdote , which might be called the Incident of the Taxman and the Philosopher .
17 A score can be computed which might be called the listener communication repair index .
18 My own version goes something like this : ( a ) I am trying to comprehend a totality which might be called the " way of life " of the people under study ; ( b ) this " way of life " consists of the acting oui of an endlessly repeated social drama .
19 But we approach that independent question using a different set of principles , among which might be found the principle just mentioned , that any member of the corporation who is entitled to share in its profits must share in its responsibilities as well .
20 When Swift returned to Worcester a few days later , he was greeted with the ringing of bells , illuminations and bonfires , at many of which could be heard the tune of " The King shall have his own again " .
21 It was a curious evening , a backward look to pieces in which could be seen the seeds of the choreographic gift that was to develop , sometimes into epic stagings , in the years ahead .
22 Directly above this the courtyard roof had a large pentagonal opening through which could be seen the stars , hanging above them in the heavens .
23 Most of these poets whose labour was fairly specialized were conscious of an occupational identity which could be made the subject of verse .
24 The higher the proportion of this population which could be contacted the better .
25 It is proposed in this plan to lay down all the streets , squares , spaces , courts , lanes , yards , passages , fields , gardens , etc. , etc. , in such a manner as to express the exact dimensions of every regularly bounded plot of land in the township of Manchester and Salford , that will fall within that square which shall be judged the most proper to encompass it .
26 The code proposed the creation of a two-tier administrative system to allow for the easier processing of non-controversial mergers and takeovers , the referring of important or unusual cases to a full Takeovers Committee ( which would be renamed the Takeover and Mergers Panel ) , the right of appeal to a new independent Takeovers Appeal Panel , and the retention of 5 per cent as the maximum amount of shares which a person controlling between 35 and 50 per cent of shares in a company could further purchase in any 12-month period .
27 The reforming jurists , on the other hand , saw punishment as a procedure for requalifying individuals as subjects , as juridical subjects ; it uses not marks , but signs , coded sets of representations , which would be given the most rapid circulation and the most general acceptance possible by citizens witnessing the scene of punishment .
28 To manufacture a garnet disc brooch a two-piece mould would be made in day from a model , in which would be cast the skeleton of the brooch in silver .
29 At the time of Coburn 's first draft little was settled either on the casting front or on the design aspects of the Doctor 's space/time machine — key factors as they were greatly dependent on the size of the budget which would be allocated the show .
30 From a Lions viewpoint , Best stressed he was extremely pleased with Scotland 's performance and judging by the displays of the Irish and Welsh against McGeechan 's men there should be a fair tartan representation in the 30-strong Lions squad which will be announced the week beginning 21 March .
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