Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Take Scarlatti , for example ; there are some very tricky sonatas which should not sound tricky at all .
2 Sir Hans Sloane employed a local artist in Jamaica , while others delayed their journeys in order to draw plants which might not survive lengthy and hazardous transport .
3 France would launch two Helios spy satellites in 1994 and 1995 to supplement the Spot satellite already in orbit , which could not send detailed photographs of the ground .
4 This was a rebuff which could not go unpunished , especially since the income of the lord of Deols was reputed to be equal to the ordinary revenues of Normandy .
5 Despite reddish-brown hair which would n't stay flat , those freckles on his nose , he really was classically good looking , and when Jack Foley smiled he would break any heart .
6 Mr Trotter sighed and then engaged himself once more in his black and white mind , which would not acknowledge grey .
7 The chief aim was to avoid a needless economic burden on the parish through bastardy ( and laws of settlement and the Poor Law provisions only guaranteed relief to those born within the parish ) ; and to achieve a population equilibrium which would not outrun local resources .
8 It was perhaps unfortunate that potatoes could be grown on land which would not support other crops because this led to countries with poor rural economies turning more and more towards potatoes as their sole means of sustenance .
9 Along with the Daily Post Martin Ayling had inherited Hatherley , an estate of hundreds of acres of good Cotswold riding country and a house which would not have disgraced minor royalty .
10 Secondly , Panzer has noticed solution forms at the base of several small isolated rocks , which would not have sufficient surface area to allow a large amount of surface water to collect .
11 In diplomatic exchanges , at least , the French accepted American reservations about unregenerate colonialism in Vietnam although , as the French pointed out , they could not be expected to assist in or condone the establishment of a government of Vietnam which would not follow democratic principles ‘ as these are understood in the West ’ .
12 We say ‘ everyone is entitled to his beliefs ’ , recognising the nastiness of a world which will not tolerate alternative beliefs , but over-looking the fact that some beliefs are nonsense and deserve to be called prejudice , bigotry or superstition rather than merely belief .
13 According to the Institute 's report , the control measures could contain the rate of climate change to a level which will not do severe harm .
14 These beginnings , or prefixes , are checked against a lexicon , which is constructed in such a way that prefixes which will not produce legal words can be identified and pruned from the list .
15 If the sufferer thinks and talks of nothing else , friends and acquaintances will become bored and talk to someone else , which will not help tinnitus or help improve speechreading skills .
16 ‘ More than two million nationwide will be stuck with overpaying until the next revaluation which wo n't become effective until 1998 . ’
17 Both of the main factors contributing to that judgment , the one the reality of the success of the Consumers ' Movement and the certainties of the future growth and achievement , the other a perception of Socialism which can not accommodate authentic Producer Co-operation , were fixed by the end of the nineteenth century .
18 To many economists the cause of the difficulty lies in an institution , central planning , which can not achieve balanced growth and innovation in a mature , sophisticated economy no matter how well it is managed .
19 Britain 's the only major horse racing nation which can not hold normal meetings on a Sunday … betting at a racecourse on the Sabbath is forbidden .
20 An agricultural revolution of major proportions is required involving widespread ( and costly ) irrigation , reafforestation , land management practices including agricultural diversification and erosion works — otherwise an annual population growth rate of 3 per cent and an economic infrastructure which can not make productive use of the growing population will precipitate a major crisis — and also accelerate soil degradation .
21 The BBC , which can not collect statutory licence fees from European viewers , has been transmitting ‘ scrambled ’ programmes on the basis that it has a monopoly on the right to authorise the making and selling of the necessary ‘ unscrambling ’ decoders .
22 This is an activity which can not become automatised , and unless the reader 's attention is directed towards the underlying meanings of sentences the author 's ideas can not be calculated .
23 This would be true for at least two of the examples of ( 18 ) , to which we may add at random : ( 32 ) some delegates who were German frowned the starling which is inquisitive is female It is emphatically not the answer to say , " those which can not become postnominal attributives turn into prenominals instead " , for two reasons : first , as we have already seen , there is a major difference of function between prenominal position and predicative position as occupied by the adjective in the sort of relative clause proposed ; and , second , this still leaves us facing the question of why some relative clauses can apparently be reduced to postnominal adjectives and others can not ( indeed this question , previously passed by , has been in serious need of an answer from those who want to relate prenominal adjectives — or simply attributives in general — to predicative position ) .
24 Ormerod 's working hypothesis is that the parasites migrate there to avoid the host 's immune response , which can not recognise foreign invaders that have crossed the blood-brain barrier .
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