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1 1.69 The automatic directions provided for by RSC Ord 25 , r8 come into effect at close of pleadings which is 14 days after service of defence , reply , or defence to counterclaim , and are as follows ( material differences in the corresponding CCR Ord 17 , r11 are noted ) : ( 1 ) Discovery within 14 days ( 28 days in a county court ) and inspection of documents within seven days after ( see para 1.48 above in relation to actions in which liability is admitted or actions arising out of a road traffic accident ) .
2 However , recent Marxist critiques of education ( e.g. Willis 1977 ; Apple 1982 ) have concentrated more closely on the contradictions implicit in the experience of schooling : the process by which inequality is created and renewed , and the cultural resistance of pupils to the dominant ideology .
3 Applications for admission should be submitted as early as possible in the session prior to that in which admission is sought and should not be delayed because the applicant is awaiting examination results or the outcome of applications for scholarships or for admission to other institutions .
4 As loudly as I could , I recited the formula by which bleach is produced when chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide solution : ‘ ’ .
5 Firstly , the imperative to examine not only disabilities , needs and risks but also abilities , strengths and resources may , of itself , create an important climate of empowerment which will influence the manner in which assessment is conducted and the methods used to collect information , particularly from older people themselves .
6 Much criminological time has been devoted to explaining which route is taken and why .
7 First we must remind ourselves that much of the physiological regulation of warm and cold-blooded animals is determined by the manner in which blood is trapped and channelled to various depths of the body .
8 The principle of non-violence is still absolute in the sense that it informs the spirit and the circumstances in which violence is done and can produce feelings of remorse or instinctive horror as Gandhi calls it .
9 It seems likely therefore , because of widespread dissatisfaction within the academic community , that the whole area of Government funding for research in the United Kingdom will require fundamental changes in the way in which research is assessed and administered .
10 For all practical purposes in traffic it does not matter which gear is engaged and there is never any lack of overtaking power . ’
11 Baker considers the biblical theme of ‘ kairos ’ , the time ( unlike normal linear time ) in which action is demanded or a time which is opportune .
12 In creating an atmosphere in which delegation is expected and welcomed you need to show that you will accept the mistakes that others make on your behalf .
13 When we view a scene , we are gaining an impression of our surroundings by the way in which light is absorbed or reflected from objects , but light is only part of a vast spectrum of electromagnetic waves .
14 And is not this medium the same with that medium by which light is refracted and reflected — and by whose vibrations light communicates heat to bodies ?
15 This book shows how the teaching of vocabulary can acquire a principled foundation ; how appropriate linguistic models of the lexicon , and knowledge of the way in which vocabulary is learned and stored , can transform a seemingly vast , shapeless mass of words into an organized resource .
16 If we are right in regarding it as the single most important area in which independence is prized and which also causes major distress for carers , it seems clear that it should be a priority in health and social services provision .
17 For this reason the manner in which law is presented and understood becomes one facet of the development of a non-violent approach in the control of force .
18 His deep understanding of the way in which sport is administered and funded enabled the £2,000,000 pipedream of an artificial white water slalom course to be built at Holme Pierrepont , Nottingham , to become reality .
19 Stage 1 : Publishing information — Making public the needs for which assistance is offered and the arrangements and resources for meeting those needs .
20 That the German audience is not deaf to beauty of tone production as some have been so foolish to pretend , is shown by the enormous enthusiasm with which Battistini is greeted when he sings in Germany , to say nothing of Caruso , although one hesitates to mention him in such proximity to so transcendent an artist as Battistini . ’
21 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
22 Thus at Lauds at the end of Matins the verses remember how : But the daily reminder of the shocking betrayal of truth in time is counterpointed against prayers and psalms which emphasise that this very process is the means by which redemption is accomplished and the ultimate strength of love proved .
23 The degree to which pollution is defined and tolerated will vary markedly , depending on the character of the officer 's territory .
24 In the process of negotiating conflict all the participants help to set the framework of ideas within which conflict is managed and a crucial dimension of this framework is that the Japanese people are characteristically said to defer to the national consensus .
25 In California the advance towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ society has been more rapid than elsewhere and according to Bradshaw and Blakeley ( 1979,6 ) the four distinguishing characteristics of this ‘ prototypical advanced industrial society ’ are : ( a ) high technology ( for example , the explosive growth of microcomputers in the hitherto rural ‘ Silicon Valley ’ ) ; ( b ) up to 70 per cent employed in the service ( tertiary ) sector and only 5 and 25 per cent respectively in the primary ( agriculture ) and secondary ( manufacturing ) sector ; ( c ) the intense rate at which knowledge is generated and transmitted ; and ( d ) increasing interdependence between places for goods and services .
26 The feminist challenge threatens to upset not only existing assumptions and findings but also the whole way in which knowledge is produced and valued .
27 In a general classification scheme , a main class is one of the broad classes into which knowledge is divided before further analysis begins and for which there is no broader containing class .
28 The processes through which questions such as these are framed and the answers which seem acceptable are already determined by a whole range of social factors outside the control of teachers ; by the nature of the social hierarchy , and the distribution of resources in society , by a general set of assumptions current among those who take political and economic decisions , and by the way in which education is institutionalized and so schools are organized .
29 What are the mechanisms by which behaviour is directed and controlled ?
30 Artists and the artistic community must stop deluding themselves and from now onwards begin scrutinising the very structure of their thought , instead of contenting themselves with pointless posturing systematically contradicted by the way in which art is produced and distributed .
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