Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] the [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 We erm , we had n't got a lot of room for expansion down there , we were in , when I joined the department it was known as the Ipswich T Electric Supply and Transport Department and er we were in some buildings which were rented from the Electric Supply Department which housed the generators for the electricity , so we had n't got a lot of room for expansion there , I think we were all confined into about three offices .
2 It was with this in mind that a unanimous Parliament supported not a conspiracy of Tory landowners , but Attlee 's postwar Labour Government in passing the 1947 Agriculture Act , which laid the foundations for the great agricultural revolution of our times .
3 Take , for example , the frontier role of American agriculture which laid the foundations for much of the country 's prosperity .
4 The Bonn family financed the Bureau for a number of years and enabled it to recruit a small staff which laid the foundations for the development of the organisation into what it is to-day .
5 In this memoir he identified the arrivals of dilatational and distortional body waves ( P-waves and S-waves ) and of surface waves in seismic recordings , a finding which was further documented in a paper of 1900 and which laid the foundations for the instrumental study of earthquakes and of the Earth 's deep interior .
6 Booth and Rowntree , in the late nineteenth century , carried out the first major surveys of income and consumption in London and York respectively , which laid the foundations for a style of social research which was , in the coming years , to play a major role in the formation of policy and social welfare legislation in the United Kingdom .
7 The fiscal and institutional roots of stability might be traced back to the 1690s , with the financial revolution ( which meant that England 's ruling elite finally worked how to finance government effectively ) and the growth of bureaucracy ( which laid the foundations for firm executive control by the central government which emerged in the eighteenth century ) .
8 KINEX quoted several telephone numbers on its letterhead , one of which ( 80 49 88 ) was assigned to the American Embassy in Rome , which paid the bills for it .
9 a full report for all participants , which included the reports for each of the separate groups ;
10 In April , the Council organised a conference in Livingston attended by 91 delegates which examined the options for environmentally-friendly municipal waste treatment and disposal , and their business implications .
11 One thing I do remember was an occasion when the occupants of Hut 4 provided the whole camp , unwittingly , with a topic of conversation which went the rounds for at least a week .
12 If we consider the three services which formed the criteria for inclusion in the study , one or other of those was received by 35 per cent of cases in the specialist team , by 38 per cent in the generic team , and by 87 per cent in the team with an individual specialist .
13 For McGregor , as for Pym , the major changes centred around the family system which prescribed the conditions for sexual relationships , changes which resulted in loosened bonds of matrimony , increased choice and reduced frustration and suffering .
14 The signs were illuminated by spot-lights which marked the fence-lines for miles in each direction .
15 The only major item of legislation in the health field between 1951 and 1970 was the Mental Health Act of 1959 which altered the procedures for the compulsory admission and retention of the mentally ill in hospital , abolishing the old ‘ certification ’ procedure .
16 The concentration on Heron 's bond issues in Switzerland , where only lead managers can call a default , leaves a potential conflict of interest if the banks which issued the bonds for Heron sought now to negotiate against the company .
17 Chattanooga , USA : The new $45 million ( £30m ) Tennessee Aquarium proved quite a catch for Porter Paints , which supplied the coatings for the 13,000 sq ft building .
18 LABOUR received the unexpected endorsement of the Financial Times today in an editorial which criticised the Conservatives for having ‘ run out of steam ’ after 13 years in power .
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