Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was this reputation that attracted Stanley Pons to Southampton in 1975 , and it was Pons ' passion for skiing and his interest in cooking which overlapped so well with Fleischmann 's and brought the two men close .
2 These peaks were consistent with the existence of a local fivefold rotation axis and also provided a calculated self-rotation function which agreed very well with the observed self-rotation function .
3 Denudation chronology also produced a number of debates which centred not only on the existence of surfaces of a particular number , which was not readily resolved by trend surface analysis , but also on the mode of development of planation surfaces and the significance of earth movement in influencing the denudation chronology .
4 Company 's such as Campeau , which plunged too deeply into debt when it bought Bloomingdale 's , will no longer be able to count on the US taxpayer to bail them out .
5 ‘ And it was , in my view , the lack of sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some other of the faults I have identified . ’
6 ‘ It was , in my view , the lack of a sufficiently rigorous and enquiring approach which led not only to the failure to appreciate that there was a Jersey partnership but also to some others of the faults I have identified . ’
7 An introductory note says that she used to read prayers very slowly with frequent pauses , which led almost instantaneously to prayer .
8 This view tends to underrate the eastward extension of plantagenet territories , which pen-etrated quite deeply into Auvergne and the Central Massif at certain points .
9 Howard Seymour , of BZW , said the profits came mostly from the write-down of Barratt 's land banks , which made up much of the losses 18 months ago .
10 Ralph Bryant read out the hundred and seventh psalm the following Sunday at the morning service in St Saviour 's , and the congregation listened with rapt attention to those words which applied so directly to the men and boys who were to sail in the Russell that day :
11 This contrasts with the initial reactions from other companies , including the US-owned Amerada Hess , which concentrated more narrowly on the loss of PRT relief on drilling costs .
12 The son of parents ‘ in service ’ in Gloucestershire , Miles — as he was to be known universally within the underground and after — had interests which moved rapidly across from art into poetry .
13 The President 's desires , which weighed so heavily on the negotiators , could not be admitted except in code .
14 Although sections of this lower-middle class were progressively inclined and thus , initially at least , sympathetic towards the Republic , much of it remained highly traditionalist in outlook , devoutly Catholic , exaggeratedly status-conscious towards the working class , and bitterly hostile towards anything which smacked even vaguely of ‘ socialism ’ .
15 When asked how the tree came about she said ‘ Well , it 's just like God to make something useful out of what we think is rubbish ’ — a comment which referred not only to the fruit but also to her own convict origins .
16 Our kirk session was one which objected very strenuously to the use seven times of the male pronoun in the section on the holy spirit .
17 The performance of the homes sits in the Orlando area - Davenport Glen and Chatham Park — exceeded our expectations , whilst Monterey in Dade County produced a range of homes which appealed very strongly to local residents including some whose motivation to purchase had been prompted by the hurricane while swept through southern Florida last year .
18 Despite the chilly autumn afternoon , she was wearing a thin old-fashioned dress which came down almost to her ankles .
19 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
20 By the late nineteenth century there were two main groups of Welsh cattle : the short-legged , heavy , compact Anglesey mountain cattle of the north and the taller , longer-bodied , larger and rangier Pembroke types of the south ( including the Castlemartin and Dewsland breeds ) which had something of a tendency towards the dairy type but which fattened well enough in due course .
21 In the early days of the Canal Age , up to about 1840 , most boatmen received a rate of pay which compared very favourably with that of agricultural workers of the time ; they could often afford to keep a house as well as a boat .
22 Since no scientist was prepared to sit down and do a comparable amount of research in order to demolish a theory which seemed so patently to be a load of rubbish , they all simply cried ‘ Rubbish ! ’ and stamped their feet .
23 After thirty years of British rule , observed the distinguished scholar-administrator Henry Fosbrooke , they displayed none of the distressing symptoms of that ‘ soul erosion ’ , defined by him as a ‘ deterioration in obedience to existing moral standards , a falling off in observance of organized religion , a lack of purpose in life ’ , which seemed so often to be the result of British efforts to bring civilization to the African .
24 In contrast to the morning papers , which suffered most heavily from the competition of the nationals , the evenings also had scope for growth in towns where an evening was not already established .
25 Another region which suffered badly both during the liberation struggle and in recent years is the North-eastern region in the Zambezi valley .
26 The eighteenth century witnessed a substantial rise in population which accelerated even further at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
27 This contrasts with Oxfordshire , which fared very well in the first period and very badly in the next two , and with Somerset , which had the smallest increase in the first period , followed by among the largest in each of the next two years .
28 As she watched , they skied straight up to him , and he turned , a faintly quizzical expression on his face which turned almost immediately to a smile .
29 All night by the light of the night sky which showed faintly overhead between the darkness of the trees , the Friar strode on .
30 In 1839 this political credo was given definitive form in the Idées Napoléoniennes , which served not only as a resumé of the history of his uncle but sketched , in some detail , a possible future regime .
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