Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun prp] [noun prp] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 I was idling Armstrong outside the National Westminster tower , you know — the building which King Kong would have climbed if he 'd been British , when the cops pulled me in .
2 All around my rooftop pavilion could be seen other fragmentary remains of the Jahanpanah which Ibn Battuta would have known : a series of fragile mediaeval islands standing out amid the sea of modern sprawl .
3 This made her think suddenly of the pain which Neil Cochrane must have endured , so that she felt pity for him , after all .
4 The man for the crisis proved to be Downton , who stayed with Gower till the end , which came when Botham declared on 302 for 6 ; they were helped by Marshall not being able to bowl , but it was still a fine piece of concentration of which Ken Barrington would have been proud .
5 The show itself contained the sort of comic stuff of which Woody Allen would have been justly proud .
6 The courtyard behind was now a restaurant , and had a tree which Jean Rhys might have remembered .
7 All their Lordships need to say is that having carefully considered the arguments advanced , in the manner indicated by Griffiths L.J. , they can see no ground upon which Barnett J. would have been justified in taking the decision-making power out of the hands of the district judge , and substituting a decision of his own .
8 The next unarguable literary reference which Agatha Christie must have responded to is found in John Skelton 's Speke , Parrot .
9 Another problem which Mr Lawson will have to address is the generation gap with the new Tory voters , who have grown up with Thatcherism .
10 It was reported on Feb. 15 , however , that the 13 member states had reached agreement on a plan to restrict production to 22,982,000 bpd , of which Saudi Arabia would have a ceiling of 7,887,000 bpd , Iran 3,184,000 bpd , the UAE 2,244,000 bpd , Venezuela 2,147,000 bpd , Nigeria 1,751,000 bpd , Libya 1,395,000 bpd , Indonesia 1,374,000 bpd , Kuwait 812,000 bpd , Algeria 760,000 bpd , Iraq 505,000 bpd , Qatar 377,000 bpd , Ecuador 273,000 bpd and Gabon 273,000 bpd .
11 On the other hand , there were steps which de Gaulle might have taken in 1944 – 46 — steps which might have produced a better outcome on the ( to him ) all-important issue of the constitution and might also have bolstered his popularity .
12 Miss Moorehead , however , was kinder in the end than most reviewers : Molly Izzard is an entertaining writer , with a sense of history which Freya Stark would have much appreciated . ’
13 Jeanne had the kind of titties of which Mae West would have been proud : large and firm and magnificently rounded .
14 ‘ It 's what Signor Ruggiero would have wanted . ’
15 Th'can think about what Miss Jarman 'll have to say about th'habits when I tell her . ’
16 They had their manifesto — 20 pages of it , what Beatrix Potter might have called ‘ appropriate moral sentiments wrapped up in paper ’ .
17 Why speculate what Mother Anne might have thought about modern glues — they had none and she spoke to the brothers and sisters in their instant present .
18 She thought for a moment , then decided to tell him of the little house in Washington where she and Mama had lived before Mama married Papa — She wondered briefly what Dr Neil would have made of that story .
19 There 's always innovations in the rose world … the latest is putting them in hanging baskets … who knows what Christopher Columbus would have thought of that .
20 A veterinary is what Uncle Tommy might have been if there had been the money to send him away to train , because he was very good with animals .
21 I am not sure what Harold Brodkey may have been in his last incarnation , but he has now reached that most enviable of all earthly states , that of the American cult writer .
22 What Mr Sutherland can 've been thinking of , I do n't know .
23 What Mr Major should have said , if he was intent on justifying his decision , was that many of the executions were grotesque by any civilised standards , but that they accorded with the code of discipline that was in force at the time .
24 As all around me a nation explodes into an orgy of joyous celebration , I feel a little of what Mrs Thatcher must 've felt when the tabloids went into rapture about her ‘ ten glorious years ’ .
25 But now , lying in a cot while a nurse washed her all over and patted her dry , she saw what Mrs Hollidaye might have meant .
26 ( Think what Bob Hoskins would have made of it . )
27 That 's what Harrison Ford should have discovered !
28 When his book Early Conversation Pictures appeared , Evelyn took what Henry James would have called ‘ the rash and insensate step ’ of saying that he was enjoying it .
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