Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] she " in BNC.

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1 She threw herself angrily down on to the bed , furious at the predicament into which Jason had pitchforked her .
2 On the larger bottom tier were several rather chunky pieces of Beth 's fruit loaf , baked in the manner which Maisie had taught her ; then came the apple cake wedges ; and finally , making a pretty pattern on the smallest top tier , the tiny sponge cakes , each one displayed in a pretty white doily and finished with a half cherry on top .
3 At least she could revel in the bright meanings in which Friend had painted her , had accepted her .
4 Few were tempted by credit cards , debit cards , store cards or account cards to overstretch themselves , but ‘ in several moments of madness ’ Allison Battye was able to do so at Harrods , the House of Fraser store in Knightsbridge , to the tune of £2,300 on a card which Harrods had given her on the strength of her claiming on the application form that she was in employment , which was not true .
5 Louise tried to soothe him and persuade him to drink the antiseptic draught which McNab had given her .
6 She was courteous and obliging to all , chearful , good-natured , and contented in the Station of Life in which Providence had placed her .
7 Save for the nuts and honey which Tom had given her she had eaten nothing since leaving the cabin of Simon the Trapper .
8 They had started with fichi con prosciutto , green figs with Parma ham , washed down with a light wine which Carlo had promised she would enjoy .
9 The front-page story lacked most of the details with which Tracey had supplied her , and amounted to little more than a rewritten version of the PA copy she had seen .
10 Somehow then she recalled the couple of business cards which Cara had given her and , in the hope that the woman might take her card to the master of the house , she dived into her bag and extracted one from her wallet and extended it to the woman .
11 And she still had n't solved the problem yet about what she was going to do about that accursed interview which Cara had entrusted her to carry out !
12 She had taken to her marriage-bed , therefore , a certain natural innocence and all the ignorance considered essential to her station , of which Tristan had relieved her as gently and pleasantly as he had been able , his passion lacking the intensity which might , on those honeymoon nights , have alarmed her ; being , instead , a lighthearted matter , full of the nonchalant reflections of the man himself .
13 One by one the words and phrases with which Mark had bored her , were regurgitated by the credulous old priest … ‘ exchange of values … living by proxy … the superlife … ultimately through television … substitute for living …
14 She wore a red woolly hat and scarf and gloves , which Emma had bought her , and a dark belted mac .
15 ‘ How dreadful for your mother , ’ Merrill said softly , recalling the little locket which Stella had shown her .
16 She gave her mother money which Clare had given her , and told her family she was going to join him .
17 Amaranth had repeated enough of what Harvey had told her about the motorway to make it worthwhile telephoning his partner in Arden to make local inquiries .
18 As soon as she realised what Garry had done she would have nothing more to do with him .
19 Blanche recounted what Swod had told her .
20 Tabitha told Marco what Carlos had told her .
21 ‘ But they have Antoinette , ’ she ventured , remembering what Marie-Christine had told her .
22 She thought about what Tammuz had told her , his ravings .
23 After all , she knew nothing about Bella Latimer other than what Johnny had told her , and the main burden of that had been Bella 's absence of sexual morality .
24 After what Jeff had told her about Guido Falcone , the only feelings she ought to have for him were disapproval and dislike .
25 Suddenly , she was remembering what Jeff had told her .
26 It was n't what Jane had told her that had carried the conversation along as much as what Jane had implied .
27 She could only feel what Alain had made her feel .
28 Well if that woman loses her job through what Pam has said she 's not gon na be very nice to her children is she ?
29 The last thing she wanted was to be a pawn between the two of them , and was n't that just what Rune had made her by drawing deliberate attention to himself on the stage before making an exhibition of both of them ?
30 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
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