Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun prp] [verb] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 The parliament of 1337 culminated in a series of festivities in which Edward honoured many of the nobles who were to be his companions in arms .
2 As a result , thousands of Japanese tourists are expected to flock to the house in which Wordsworth wrote some of his best work .
3 The river of Rat , Mole and Otter , which flowed past proud Toad Hall and had the threatening Wild Wood close by , was generally associated with the Thames , beside which Grahame spent many of his younger — and older — years .
4 If Nice Work was the novel with which Lodge gave two of his keenest preoccupations the slip — the university , partially , and Catholicism , totally — it was also the book which should end the habitual conflation in some minds of his own career and output with that of Malcolm Bradbury .
5 I was first introduced to his etchings in the very printing studios in London to which Green sent many of his plates to be editioned .
6 Leeds had a good start in the new competition , climbing to second place after a 7–1 win over Barnsley in October , in which Price got five of the goals .
7 We can see a resemblance here with the sub plot in King Lear in which Gloucester pours most of his affection , initially on his legitimate child and , in ignoring Edmund , turn him against him and his brother .
8 What Ken hated most of all when working was being alone — in total contrast to the facet of the man who wanted no company at all when he was n't fully employed .
9 The hair was what Cassie noticed most of all .
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