Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Silently Joshua returned his stare , then made what sounded like a snort which quickly became a chuckle until finally he exploded into outright laughter .
32 Judge Wiiliam Crawford heard that the cousins set fire to furniture and carpets which quickly sent a pall of smoke to flats above .
33 Father Curtis turned to the home/school post which quickly generated a pre-interview discussion :
34 Dr Gerard Vaughan , a former health minister , was especially vocal in condemning the action , but others took the view that the ‘ informer ’ in the case had a duty to report an action which possibly constituted a crime against another human being ;
35 The building was burnt to the ground in the disaster which overtook the town in AD 296 , when the northern frontier was overrun by invaders , but it was soon rebuilt on an even more lavish scale , which possibly included a bath wing The whole complex is usually interpreted as a mansio .
36 I went outside quietly and found a length of driftwood of the appropriate shape , came back to the Bunker , caught the snake by the neck with the piece of wood and bundled it into the first rusty can I could find which still had a lid .
37 Defence was excluded because it was controversial , given the presence as founder members of two states , Sweden and Ireland , which still professed a policy of neutrality .
38 POLICE are investigating the cause of a blaze which extensively damaged a GAA Club at Feystown Road , Glenarm , early today .
39 The NRA , which traditionally wielded a degree of influence out of all proportion to its 2,600,000 members , as usual forcefully combated the bill .
40 I think in fact er , had been doing quite well and the specific point that Frank was referring to was erm , the technology transfer that they did with a mar large chip manufacturer , which probably made a contribution in the second half , a net contribution of about five million dollars and that offset some of the weakness in , in other parts of Camco 's business in the last quarter of the year .
41 Its small size suggests that it was a so-called ‘ satellite ’ pyramid which probably played a part in the ritual entombment of the pharaoh , although the lack of remains found in satellite pyramids have made it difficult to determine their function .
42 He took as his text ‘ What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me ’ ( Psalm 116:12 ) which probably aroused a chill response in his convict hearers .
43 They lived in a house in the Terrace , and eventually my father was sent to Ampleforth in Yorkshire , a Benedictine monastery which also ran a boarding school .
44 Under the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , which also imposed a reasonableness test , reasonableness was judged at the time of the breach .
45 It was the ultimate biker-drug-sex film , which also owed a lot to Kerouac 's On The Road .
46 The prints were produced by the American company ‘ The Greenwich Workshop ’ , which also produced a video of the signing and of the pilot 's recollections of their wartime experiences .
47 Existing comprehensive schools in Coventry , for example , had successfully developed forms of organization based upon the ‘ house ’ — a unit in which a pupil would remain throughout his school career , and to which also belonged a group of teachers .
48 This invitation was refused by the governments concerned , which also rejected a compromise solution , put forward by Libya and backed by some other Arab countries , for a UN investigation into the affair .
49 Unlike the large international headhunting firms , Young never sought to develop as much business as possible , preferring to maintain tight control of a specialist practice which also offered a form of management consultant-type counselling .
50 After Hitler 's invasion of Russia , however , which also meant a slackening of air attacks upon Britain , the decline in individual party membership was stemmed and a gradual revival took place .
51 Together with the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Democratic Movement they formed at the end of June a coalition government ( which also contained a number of unaffiliated ministers ) headed by the outgoing Prime Minister , Marian Calfa .
52 ‘ The wife of one of the guys who lives in Lowestoft had sent out a video of his son 's birthday party which also had a bit of my Help programme for Anglia TV on it .
53 Following delicate negotiations with Robert Brown , the great collections made by Sir Joseph Banks were transferred to the Museum ; but the incompatible demands of the various departments , and the great library which also formed a part of the museum , led to a good deal of friction .
54 During the evening , which also included a fashion show by Splashout , of the High Street , the organisers Alton Lions were presented with a £1,100 cheque by Ray Simmonds of Bass Brewing as the company 's sponsorship for this year 's carnival .
55 ‘ Many people from Capenhurst were involved with helping to give Alan therapy and taking part in the charity events , ’ said Peter Pears , chairman of the benevolent fund which also gave a donation .
56 This terminology borrowed directly from ideas of female passion , which also used a language of seething emotions having to be restrained by modesty .
57 Then he had been reprieved from an open-ended sentence of death by combat , and raised to a position of great prestige and power which also promised a life of action and danger well suited to his special talents .
58 She built one palace in Parma and another , a sort of miniature Versailles , not far from the Po at Colorno , which later became a lunatic asylum .
59 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
60 Firefighters tackled a blaze which severely damaged a bungalow in Micklow Close , Redcar , and caused smoke damage of adjoining properties .
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