Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] had be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most professional approach which I had was in fact via an intermediary who was acting on behalf of an existing customer of the company who employed me and whose objective was to sound out general interest without disturbing the importance of on-going business relationships .
2 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
3 Between 1950 and 1975 the female proportion of the working population rose from 33 per cent ( which it had been since the 1890s ) to over 40 per cent ( Hunt , 1975 ) .
4 What she had been after was a specified date and time .
5 She was his servant , whatever she had been in her previous life , and she was ten or more years younger than himself , and what a battered old soldier he was , to be hungering after such a fresh young girl .
6 She knew very well what they had been at ; she and Patten had been the same , when they were young .
7 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
8 After that , the possibilities for the disturbed were very much what they were to remain until the introduction of the major tranquillisers — and indeed what they had been from Roman times .
9 Knowing what he had been through just added a new dimension to what I saw .
10 She was able to let him go as he was now because she had clarified and confirmed what he had been to her .
11 Nothing now would have induced Meredith to sign his petition , whatever it had been for .
12 Furthermore , the injury rate on the softer track dropped to less than half what it had been on the previous track .
13 By the late 1930s , the birth rate was about three-quarters of what it had been at the end of the First World War .
14 Within 20 years the Prussians had ruined what remained of Danzig 's grain trade and the population of the city had plummeted to what it had been at the end of the fourteenth century .
15 By then the population of Indians , about a million , was just over a quarter what it had been at the time of the European colonizations of the sixteenth century .
16 The French monarchy under Louis XVI was by contrast in many ways a shadow of what it had been under Louis XIV .
17 In all the most important affairs of life , liberty remained for him what it had been for the last thirty years , a state of will which could not depart from rectitude .
18 Convenience , that 's what it had been for her — little more .
19 The essence of European diplomacy was still political , still what it had been to Metternich or even to Richelieu .
20 His position was now exactly what it had been during his exile in Rufus 's reign : he was without an income and reduced to dependence on the hospitality of Hugh of Lyons .
21 It was not qualitatively different on the eve of the French Revolution from what it had been during the reign of Louis XIV .
22 Surinder , a Sikh woman , explained to me what it had been like coming to Britain in the sixties and finding a job in a sweat-shop soon after .
23 In the early days of the strike Jayaben Desai , perhaps Britain 's best known Asian trade unionist , described to me what it had been like when she came to work at Grunwick in the mail order department :
24 When Emily asked him what it had been like then , his eyes filled with tears .
25 It was sad when it died ; sad because of the memory of what it had been like when there was still hope .
26 That would n't be easy ; even now he was beginning to remember what it had been like when he 'd been small and afraid of the dark , unable to sleep without a nightlight .
27 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
28 He always paid now , they were on the dole , two reminders of what it had been like for him a few months ago .
29 Mr Kerrigan then questioned Mr Mackie about what it had been like working at the Kenway depot at the time he alleged drugs were being taken .
30 Since the total grain harvest proved to be a mere 52 per cent of what it had been in 1913 , even the least affected areas had barely enough .
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