Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is these that make up the matter we see today and out of which we ourselves are made .
2 The clients get satisfaction from participation ( or , perhaps , participate as a result of their satisfaction ) , take part in a learning process which enriches them , and identify with a process in which they themselves are involved .
3 They did not need to rely upon chance chemical events in the world outside to create the organic molecules from which they themselves were constructed .
4 But war against the Muslim was his dream ; and in 1075 he devised a remarkable scheme by which he himself was to lead a crusade to the east , to restore Byzantium after the disaster of Manziken and to recover Jerusalem .
5 In a way , I imagine that this is what I myself am trying to do .
6 We could ask further questions — such as , My Lord what you yourself were doing at the banquet on the night Sir Thomas died ?
7 I said to her when , when he was finished I said it 's good enough cos you 're sure what you you 're doing but I said
8 I could n't understand what you you were saying to Iris though .
9 Oh you ca n't you , you , that 's what we we 're saying this morning
10 and I , and I thought well let's try it cos you know I 'm going on what we it was brought up
11 Oh what him he 's threatening to do away with you .
12 For example , analysing a transaction between two skilled negotiators requires the study of the overt interaction and the identification of what each one is thinking about what he himself is doing and what his opponent is probably thinking about in the context of what he is saying ( Singleton , 1983a ) .
13 In an interview which he gave in this year , he expressed his disappointment at the recent development of English poetry and suggested that any " creative advance " would come in prose fiction or in poetic drama : this is clearly what he himself was aiming at , as if he felt he could achieve in drama what he had already achieved in poetry .
14 ‘ It moves for me by contrasts , ’ he said , and now he began to take an interest in , even to listen to , what he himself was saying .
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