Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 They realize that they have problems and but they seem so willing to stand by each other and the the spirit which I 've noticed is very h
2 Well it certainly is but er I 've grown potatoes myself for years and never had any trouble with them boiling into the water but this year I can not get a good potato , all of my usual favourites like Estima which I 've found is a usually good all round potato , it it 's a monkey for boiling into the water and one thing I can only assume is that the weather 's had a lot to do with it , my ground 's been waterlogged most of the season .
3 The other matter with which I wish to deal is the false feeling among Conservative Members that the Government have acted correctly on child benefit .
4 The final element to which I wish to refer is the quality of our democracy , which has exercised the minds of many hon. Members today .
5 That which I have written is consummated concerning the operation of the sun .
6 It should by now be clear that the language behaviour of young black Londoners of Caribbean background can only be described with reference to patterns of code-switching , between the two perceived varieties " ordinary English " ( which in practice means London English ) and " Patois " , which I have argued is a variety of Jamaican Creole .
7 None of these objections to which I have referred is , in my opinion , a present ground for striking out .
8 I am satisfied that a promise such as that to which I have referred is binding and the only question remaining for my consideration is the scope of the promise in the present case .
9 The result of this submission together with the passages from the coroner 's affidavit which I have read is , he says , to permit a coroner to ignore other evidence as a possible concurrent cause of death unless , as I have said , such evidence is of an exceptional nature .
10 The first speech which I have chosen is the one which Cassius makes to Brutus in Act I scene II .
11 The background to the situation which I have described is that in December 1990 and January 1991 there had been an uprising in Somalia in the course of which the President , Siad Barre , had been overthrown .
12 Always with that I'm-sorry expression on his face , which I begin to realize is actually contentment .
13 The movement of the boundary which you seek to create is possible only under the terms of Policy E Ten .
14 Traditionally , there are restrictions on using " I " : some teachers forbid it , as an example of inelegant intrusion by the author ( though nowadays it is generally thought permissible to use " I " occasionally , to emphasise a point which you wish to show is personal rather than general ) .
15 Moreover , if the moral judgment which we require to make is one which involves our own personal interest we might reasonably look to the relevant law as representing a less partial view of the matter than our own ; for , without attributing to the law a non-partisan impartiality at variance with most available knowledge about the actual political and legal processes , it might still happen to be less partial and more informed than we are when making judgments about cases which affect us closely .
16 Perhaps the final element of the public health model which we need to consider is what evidence there is available concerning tertiary prevention or treatment , i.e. the efficacy of interventions specifically designed to reduce the likelihood of further abuse once child abuse has occurred .
17 ‘ Coincidentally , we both left our previous jobs on the same day , which we have decided is a good omen .
18 Nothing which we have said is intended to cast doubt on the accepted legality of properly conducted games and sports , lawful chastisement or correction , reasonable surgical interference , dangerous exhibitions , etc .
19 The general conclusion which we have reached is that there is no clear evidence in any of the figures we have examined that the abolition of capital punishment has led to an increase in the homicide rate , or that its reintroduction has led to a fall .
20 Most notable in the first category have been six veterans of the Romanian Communist Party who at the beginning of the year addressed an open letter of defiance to President Ceausescu , telling him that ‘ the very idea of socialism for which we have fought is discredited by your policies ’ .
21 However , there is an advantage in having a system which can check word identification to see if the word which we have identified is consistent with context , and it is this checking procedure which Fischler and Bloom claim is causing the inhibition effects which they have demonstrated .
22 The view to which we have come is that the cause was part of a causal circumstance as conceived .
23 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
24 The micro-instruction format which we have described is very much oriented towards the hardware of the processor .
25 In favour , are facts such as : ( a ) When a relative clause is attached to a clause as its head , then it is introduced by the " which " marker which follows noun phrases , and not the " as " marker used for verbs and verb phrases : ( 65 ) the mountain which they want to climb is Mount Elburz he swept the yard as he was instructed ( 66 ) McRowen queried the call , which infuriated the umpire McRowen queried the call , as ( it ) infuriated the umpire ( b ) Clauses take , in bigger clauses , positions that are commonly filled by noun phrases : ( 67 ) Marples heard the news ( 68 ) Marples heard that the soup was contaminated This is true even of so-called adverbial clauses : ( 69 ) Peggy realized her error after Christmas ( 70 ) Peggy realized her error after the Christmas season was ended
26 They intend to build a socialist state , and the revolution which they have begun is irreversible .
27 ‘ having observed carefully both Mr. Morgan and Miss Calagarri give their evidence I am quite satisfied that in relation to the question of execution the description of events which they have given is correct .
28 The speed at which they have moved is commendable , especially as the time in which an appeal can be made is ticking away .
29 The glossy 4-page job , with inserts , which THEY have produced is quite inappropriate for us , ( and in my opinion is n't very suitable at all ; it does n't exactly ‘ grab ’ one ! )
30 The challenge which they have to face is summed up almost casually as Cruiser Trewsbury talks to a seaman in a pause from effort .
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