Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [vb mod] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He might advise me to make a statement to the police which I should of course do under his guidance .
2 Higher up the col , almost indeed on the very top , there is the mouth to another gouffre , with a frail wooden fence around it , into which you can with difficulty peer .
3 If you put it into the startup group , it will greet you with a new quote which you can in turn use to amaze your workmates during coffee breaks .
4 So that 's his ten thousand investment income , well that 's fine , you know , no problem , and there is a marginal rate here which you could in fact reclaim a bit of tax on twenty percent .
5 There were wall-sized French windows through which she would in daylight have been able to see the back garden .
6 Then came Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and miraculously the whole things was over , instead of our having to face what would probably be a long naval and air war against Japan , which we should of course have won in the end — after unthinkable losses of men and equipment .
7 It is clear that the ‘ costs charges and expenses ’ referred to both in the legal mortgage of 18 February 1985 ( which may be taken as typical of all the mortgage deeds ) and in the guarantee and debenture of 6 June 1985 may include both costs charges and expenses of or incidental to litigation ( which we will for convenience refer to as ‘ litigation costs ’ ) and costs , charges and expenses incurred otherwise than in connection with litigation ( ‘ non-litigation costs ’ ) .
8 Accordingly they do not have to be rescued from death by a Saviour ; nor from Hell , for they are not judged at death to Hell or Heaven , but sent to ‘ the halls of Mandos ’ , from which they may in time return .
9 credit card or trading check which can be used only in specific shops ) ; or it is unrestricted , where the borrower gets a loan of money which he could in practice use for whatever he wants ( even if he has in fact arranged to use it for some particular purpose ) .
10 I quickly capture what I can on film .
11 you do not mind my taking this method of answering your letter and I hope that you , I did not put you to too much trouble to locate a recorder to listen to the tape , I am just too lazy to write it all down and think that what I have to say I can put it better in words than what I can on paper , I 'll let you do that part .
12 I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably said he thought two o'clock every afternoon I 'll remember what I can of Book of Isaiah you know .
13 And yet , when I want to tell people the truth , what I will in fact do is try to get them to believe what I believe .
14 Please send what you can to WOMAN Appeal , Dr Judith Ennew , Director Care International , FREEPOST , London E17 3BR .
15 Furthermore , they will know that such disturbances will force them to produce a level of output which is not the optimal one in the sense that it is not what they would in advance choose to produce at a price of P .
16 If all of these subjects were studied at school in a ‘ generalist ’ manner , links being forged between one and another , then philosophy itself would greatly benefit , undergraduates at university would be the more ready to study it , and ultimately teachers at school would be better prepared to take what they could from philosophy , and apply it throughout the curriculum .
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