Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [vb mod] have seen " in BNC.

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1 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
2 In fact , a rule of life which I should have seen in its perfect clarity , was already operating .
3 In terms of taking we we have a put in a detailed traffic impact study which you 'll have seen in with our report .
4 so it is erm something of a step forward , erm we 've had material in the past which you may have seen which was recorded from the telly , a couple of years ago in nineteen ninety
5 Erm even tapestries like the Devonshire hunting tapestry which you may have seen at the V and A. Er the tops look as if they 're been eaten by mice because they 're been so often snagged onto tenterhooks and moved and moved round and onto other tenterhooks , they just do n't seem to have had the same view of this kind of thing as we do .
6 I wonder what I would have seen .
7 A foolish heart ( mine ) betrayed me , blinding me to what I should have seen .
8 But now I have , and I see what I should have seen a long time ago , the selfish , arrogant , unscrupulous fixer who has been quietly feathering his nest in London for the past ten years at our expense after turning his back on us as though we were n't good enough for him , who could n't even be bothered to come home during this ordeal but just flew over on a weekend return when the mood took him , when he had nothing better to do , like the tourist he is !
9 I expected it to be either genetics or haematology , after what you must have seen this morning . ’
10 It was his conception , his baby , and for it he would tolerate most things , including his suspicion of Trotskyism — whether of the IMG or IS variety — and of what he may have seen as Rowbotham 's ‘ hippy sentimentality ’ .
11 Well , it 's difficult to surmise what he may have seen .
12 Had Charles looked the other way — south , over the town bridge — we have a very good idea of exactly what he would have seen , thanks to a contemporary engraving by Abraham Crocker .
13 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
14 Mrs Browning was still pale and shaky as we settled ourselves by the fire ( and what the moon saw , or what it might have seen if its beams could have penetrated the closely-drawn curtains supplemented by plastic sheeting to foil the poison gas , might have seemed a little unusual ; but who can tell what strange sights are enclosed within the cheerful light of a curtained window ? ) .
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