Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun pl] [vb base] to the " in BNC.

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1 Responses to each category — which individuals shade to the extent they see a factor , such as clean water , sanitation , good food , existing — enable them to understand what areas of life are healthy and which are causing health problems .
2 The concept of the ‘ biographical career ’ is central to this approach as it allows consideration of the uniqueness of individual biographies , the meanings which individuals attach to the concepts of age and ageing , and how these change over time ( Johnson , 1978 ; Fairhurst and Lightup , 1982 ) .
3 It was suggested that the prisoner is entitled to see comments , summaries and advice which officials provide to the minister .
4 But much will hang also on the extent to which teachers succumb to the temptation to teach for the test , and thereby create a classroom atmosphere that focuses narrowly on learning the content and the skills that will be tested , and is therefore less lively , less varied , more repetitive and more anxiety-provoking for the pupils .
5 Every so often he gets to do the movie 's Grand Canyon metaphor , musing on the sort of terribly big , terribly ancient landmark beside which humans dwindle to the size and importance of scurrying ants .
6 Extent of labour force participation is an important indicator of the position of women because on the one hand , it is a way in which women contribute to the economic development of their countries and , on the other , because work is a major source of income which gives access to education , culture , power and other factors influencing social status .
7 Wales YFC is an affiliated member of CPRW and the definition of such is ‘ a corporate member whose objects appear to the Council to be similar to those of CPRW ’ .
8 Nato is an association of independent states whose interests coincide to the extent that they have chosen to adopt a common structure within which to cooperate .
9 The key point , to repeat it , is that a parasite whose genes aspire to the same destiny as the genes of its host shares all the interests of its host and will eventually cease to act parasitically .
10 check what excesses apply to the various sections of the policy — these will differ from insurer to insurer .
11 Her husband is from a good family ; in fact he is distantly connected with the Crane-Boulder 's family , but … but he was the youngest son , and you know what positions go to the younger sons . ’
12 It is important , also , that user and carer definitions of what factors contribute to the quality of their lives and levels of risk are incorporated into the process .
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