Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] he [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In which case he might even now have a new brother or sister .
2 Although , she reasoned realistically , if he had been fooling around behind her back it indicated that what he felt for her fell very far short of love , in which case he would probably have cancelled the wedding if she had n't .
3 On the other hand , he might , as in Re Hopper , hear the evidence and submissions of the parties , in which case he would clearly be regarded as an arbitrator …
4 If he is lucky , he may get one of the party heavyweights to come and support him , in which case he will probably attract a bigger crowd .
5 He could remember the distant past and his family and friends , but ask him where he 'd just been , what he 'd had for lunch and which room he 'd just come out of , and he was stumped .
6 Given the widespread feelings of disillusionment abroad in 1976 , Carter 's strategy of offering himself as a new broom was electorally well judged , but if he impressed the voters , his relentless and sanctimonious moralizing irritated and alienated legislators whose support he would eventually need .
7 To the man on whose support he would now increasingly depend , he wrote a little before the end , ‘ It is not pleasant , Thomas Poole ! to have worked 14 weeks for nothing — for nothing — nay — to have given the Public in addition to that toil five & 40 pounds ! ’
8 The Exhibitors Film Exchange recommends a ‘ Neighbourhood Advertising Plan ’ , the essence of which was that every manager would define ‘ the radius or zone ’ from which his ‘ logical business ’ was secured and that he should then proceed to go directly to the individuals whose patronage he could reasonably expect .
9 There were letters to write , interviews to give , meetings with eminent writers whose work he might never have read or of whom he had no very high opinion , and of course the official round of duties : a speech at the Alliance Française on 19 January , and another at a lunch of the Anglo-Swedish society two weeks later .
10 He 'd told her to go off and get married when that lieutenant whose name he could never recall had asked her .
11 And grief and deep despair were a cold wind whose power he could no longer fight against …
12 It was empty , Jo was by this time awake ( having crept earlier to bed ) , but she did n't move for fear of her father 's anger interpreting his shouts of rage , she gathered that her mother was gone and realising what damage he could consequently do to her and her baby , she knew that she had to escape .
13 A prosperous publisher in Berlin , he had left that city in 1935 , with his paintings , some furniture , and what money he could easily bring with him .
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