Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] it [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , the discomfort associated with gonorrhoea is usually of a greater order , and men who have suffered repeated attacks of both infections can usually tell which infection it is that they have on any given occasion .
2 I do n't know whose idea it is that it goes on and on .
3 A Private Bill proposal almost invariably emanates from the person or organisation in whose interest it is that it should be promoted .
4 As can be seen from the above it is possible to give questions a greater focus of purpose by considering what process it is that you wish the pupils to go through .
5 You must describe to yourself precisely what behaviour it is that you are going to observe .
6 Again they ask of what significance it is that the metaphors used for God in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are overwhelmingly male ? )
7 They used to run down into the Nerd , or whatever river it is that runs through Ealing , and throw themselves in , yelling about the love of Jesus .
8 Yes , and you get all the animals who are experimented on and you sa there 's not a week that comes out and you do n't an a report saying , oh well this this , this causes cancer in rats or and you , imagine the amount , the huge amounts of the sub , whatever substance it is that had been given to rats to cause the cancer , and there 's no knowing that the amount that 's gon na be given to rats causing cancer , will give cancer to humans !
9 Rather than only training women to take on roles that have been shaped by men over the centuries , would it not be far more interesting , more expansive , to look into the questions of priestesshood , to find out what mystery it is that women can touch on , and how they can communicate it to the human world ?
10 For the clinical and educational professions ( and the lay notions which derive their values from them ) , their very practice makes it clear what fact it is that you ‘ come to terms ’ with : you have not given birth to a member of the human species as we define it , and to which we allocate certain rights and social roles , but to an object of pathology — a ‘ monster ’ , to use a technical term employed in medical anatomy .
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