Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [be] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Governments must both deliver economic success — hard enough — and yet avoid too much short-term social injustice , which may be harder still .
2 Such areas , often of rank grassland , scrub or wetland , occur quite frequently in the Auvergne uplands and must add a significant level of habitat diversity , particularly structural diversity , which may be important entomologically and for breeding birds and small mammals .
3 The idea is very possible , but would be better carried out on a factory produced four door ( which should be available soon ) as adding extra doors and pillars will increase the cost of conversion enormously .
4 However , the diffraction ratio for centric reflections , which should be zero theoretically , was 0.059 .
5 TIED PLASTIC SACKS which must be strong enough and large enough for the purpose .
6 ‘ . But if rule-following is a practice , which must be public only in the sense of being a way of behaving rather than in the sense of being regulated by a community , how are we to derive from that thought the conclusion that the solipsist 's private language is impossible ?
7 Correspondingly , as Greenblatt argues , Renaissance ideas which might be subversive today are ignored in favour of ‘ radical ’ ideas which seem to echo our own .
8 If there are more or modified synapses , the chemicals and structures of which the synapses are composed must show signs of change , which might be measurable either by biochemical methods ( for instance , an increase in the amount of synaptic membrane protein ) or under a microscope ( for instance a change in the dimensions of particular synapses , or an increase in synaptic numbers ) .
9 Although you do not appear to feel the ardour which might be desirable so early in a marriage , you will find it has many rewards , I am sure .
10 It would then be necessary for the government concerned to face the consequences of violating its Treaty obligations in such a flagrant manner — consequences which could be serious indeed .
11 Words in the 19th century were still viewed as individual items which could be stuck together like bricks to make up sentences .
12 Nevertheless , Theodora knew she had skills which could be valuable there .
13 In defiance of Mosley 's warnings , Joyce was urging speakers to use language in attacking the Jewish community which would be strong enough to break the law .
14 In its more philosophical aspects such intellectual work was addressed to providing a theoretical underpinning for a collectivist social outlook which would be immune equally from the mechanical vulgarities of statism and the revolutionary demands of socialism .
15 We have slipped back to a state of affairs which would be intolerable even in Naples . ’
16 In the twenty years between 1960 and 1980 , the tenancy of Downing Street changed between Labour and Conservative four times , an average occupancy of only five years : the Great and Good were trying to produce policies which would be durable enough to survive the swings .
17 The Committee was equivocal on this , but recommended a formulation which would be broad enough to encompass these wider factors — ‘ the balance of the woman 's mind was disturbed by reason of the effect of giving birth or circumstances consequent upon that birth ’ .
18 The inherently authoritarian structure of the prison , deriving from its main functions of control and security , relies upon explicit threats of force which would be unacceptable elsewhere in a liberal democratic state .
19 Which would be easy enough .
20 So it looks as though at the very beginning of the 1830s , trade unionism was already disposed to settle into the primary role which it was fully and consciously to adopt later in the century , a role which would be ameliorative rather than revolutionary .
21 Sandra Maggs of Fimbra , who is organising the concert , is looking for firms or companies which would be willing either to provide sponsorship or to buy up a number of tickets for staff and guests .
22 If the Empire was to be welded into an economic unit , the parts of which would be interdependent economically because they were parts of the Empire , and if this unity was to stand in default or in anticipation of political unity , then what was necessary was Imperial free trade , a genuine Zollverein .
23 In the meantime , the wartime Lancasters would be replaced , as a stopgap measure , by the unpressurized Lincolns , which would be large enough to carry atomic bombs , if the Government decided to manufacture them in spite of US objections .
24 The ITA decided to split the Northern region into separate Lancashire and Yorkshire franchises , each of which would be large enough to support a network company , increasing the number of these to five .
25 Thus , since nothing in the Constitution allows the Federal government to create a welfare system , whereby payments ( or payments in kind ) are made to the residents of the various States , a welfare state system could only be established either through Constitutional Amendment ( which would be difficult both to write and then to enact ) or through successful negotiation with the State governments .
26 A mere 10 miles from the deprivation and divisions of Belfast , it is an overwhelmingly Protestant , middle-class community which would be unexceptionable anywhere else in the kingdom .
27 We act as if the anti-Semitism comprehended the Fascism — which would be true only if all Fascists were anti-Semites ( they are n't ) , and if all anti-Semites were Fascists ( even less true ) .
28 Christians needed a building which would be dignified yet practical .
29 You may even find a Minimum class which will be lower still .
30 The ESRC has given Mr Masoud Yazdani of Exeter University a grant to produce a set if AI tools which will be easy enough for teachers of modern languages to construct their own language teaching aids without needing a great deal of expertise in computer programming .
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