Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [verb] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Despite the variation in language of the various judges , the principle of Donoghue v. Stevenson [ [ 1932 ] A.C. 562 ] as appears from the examination of these authorities imposes tortious liability on a person who performs some careless act which may injure any person whom he should reasonably have had in contemplation as being likely to be injured in consequence of his carelessness and who in fact is injured by his careless act .
2 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
3 Moreover , it would have undermined the important principle of consistency in the response to like cases which should underpin any punishment regime .
4 We have attempted to measure cell proliferation , which should proceed any increase in organ mass , by adopting two immunohistological methods to the pancreas : proliferating exocrine cells were labelled either with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine ( Brd Urd ) or with a monoclonal antibody ( PC10 ) against proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) .
5 The high intragastric urea concentrations in these patients greatly increas H pylori ammonia production which should accentuate any ammonia related effects .
6 Just two body styles are available : Classic S and Classic T , neither of which should need any explanation !
7 He possessed just enough self-control to continue his gentle stroking of her , but both his arms now held her , and almost without her willing it McAllister 's crept around his neck , and unconsciously they sank , from their sitting position , on to the bed , to lie with McAllister 's head on the pillow , Dr Neil 's by her , he careful to lie still , to do nothing which might suggest any kind of bodily union .
8 7.7.6 to give notice to the Landlord immediately upon the happening of any event which might affect any insurance policy on or relating to the Premises or upon the happening of any event against which the Landlord may have insured under this Lease The following amendment should be considered : … immediately upon becoming aware of the happening of any event … 7.7.7 immediately to inform the Landlord in writing of any conviction judgment or finding of any court or tribunal relating to the Tenant ( or any director other officer or major shareholder of the Tenant ) of such a nature as to be likely to affect the decision of any insurer or underwriter to grant or to continue any such insurance The requirement to notify the landlord in respect of convictions should be deleted for the reason stated above .
9 Ministers would be angry , too — which might explain any reluctance on Mr MacGregor 's part to push for morning sittings .
10 He possessed a dominating grace which could make any adversary subject to his will .
11 The weaker way is to say simply that although there is a radical and obvious difference between the two hypotheses , it is not one which could make any difference to you , and so that you can be exempted from paying any attention to it .
12 She looked exquisite , breakable , so desirable that not a few lustier members of the congregation , whose minds should have been on holier things , found themselves in a sudden , quite ferocious state somewhere between arousal and bewitchment , which could bring any man to his knees .
13 3.9 further undertakes to report to promptly all instances of activities of which is aware by third parties in the Territory and elsewhere which could have any effect on the validity of 's Trade Marks including :
14 Similarly , the increasing employment of women in the growing sector of food , drink and tobacco manufacture by the end of the century , and even the dramatic growth in the number of women commercial clerks ( 4,467 in Edinburgh by 1911 , compared to only 366 in 1881 ) did little to alter the fact that in Scotland generally ( perhaps rather more than England in the same period ) there was a very clear division of the labour market and a de facto segregation of " men 's work " from " women 's work " , which would face any girl looking for her first job .
15 Further up the chain there may be an exclusion clause which would prevent any contract action .
16 Loyalist opposition was minimal ; Major Ronald Bunting 's Loyal Citizens of Ulster had threatened a counter-demonstration but this was banned by Minister of Home Affairs William Craig , and the RUC sealed off the stairways to the top of the walls and erected barriers which would prevent any clash .
17 It has called on the government to adopt a " zero emissions " policy which would prohibited any discharge of organochlorides .
18 Yet to take those responsibilities seriously has huge resource implications which would make any government wary of enunciating them in legislation of a more comprehensive and precise kind than currently exists .
19 Client will ensure that all information relating to itself comprised in announcements , public statements , the Offer document and any other documents during KPMG 's engagement hereunder issued by or with the consent or knowledge of Client will be true and accurate in all material respects and will not be misleading , and that all expressions of opinion , intention and expectation therein will be honestly held and will be made only after due consideration and that there will not be omitted from any such document any fact the omission of which would make any statement therein false or misleading ;
20 At Cheltenham there are leeks to marvel at … and onions which would make any eye water .
21 Last month , following Johnson 's admissions at the inquiry that he had taken drugs and not failed drug tests , the IAAF decided to strip him of his world records retrospectively and enacted legislation which would punish any athlete who passed a drug test but subsequently admitted he was an offender .
22 At one end there were serious procedural defects which would render any decision a nullity .
23 It was something that had to be done at the same time as teaching , and was seen more , I suppose , as a chore rather than as something which would have any sort of positive spin-off for us .
24 In a report to the committee , David Chynoweth , finance director , called on the council not to set a budget any higher than its capping limit in order to avoid the inevitable disruption of business and impairment of council tax collection which would follow any action by the Scottish Secretary .
25 In a report to the committee , David Chynoweth , finance director , called on the council not to set a budget any higher than its capping limit in order to avoid the inevitable disruption of business and impairment of council tax collection which would follow any action by the Scottish Secretary .
26 It is a good idea to fill your window sills with ornaments and plants , which will prevent any intruder from making a noiseless entry .
27 They have become , not critiques of inhuman arrangements or guidelines for practical interventions , but master transcoding devices which will sort any text or problem into sets of formally opposed categories .
28 Thus : ( 1 ) the said Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( which is summarised in Chapter 12 ) was introduced in 1988 , revised in 1990 , and covers the whole field ; from the general ( solicitors may hold themselves out to be good , but not to be better than the other firm down the road ; publicity must be accurate and not mislead ; a solicitor 's advertisement must identify the solicitor by name ) to the particular ( the correct designation of a solicitor 's practice , entries in legal directories , addresses to the Court and the use of the legal aid logo ) ; ( 2 ) the Law Society 's code incorporates by reference the provisions of the British Code of Advertising Practice which in its own way requires publicity material to be honest , truthful and decent , unambiguous and responsible , and contains a separate section relating to the advertising of financial services and products ; ( 3 ) the Financial Services ( Conduct of Business ) Rules 1987 also cover the advertising of financial services and products and will need to be studied by any firm carrying on investment business ; ( 4 ) solicitors will also need to be familiar with the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1989 and other secondary legislation in that connection , the whole corpus replete with the jargon unique to that area of law ; ( 5 ) the Business Names Act 1985 , which has already been referred to in Chapter 1 , requires revision of a firm 's letterheading every time there is a change in the identity of the partners , which will include any occasion when a salaried partner whose name has previously been shown " below the line " is promoted .
29 I have been in touch with a firm that will supply me with a new galvanised chassis which will accept any engine and gearbox conversion I choose .
30 But in abandoning the reforms , Kenya is also throwing away its chance to begin to rid the economy of the tight centralised government control — and the opportunities for corruption which that presents — which will undermine any chance of recovery .
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