Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 She 's trying to protect you from your destiny , which is to be a half-caste in England .
2 Here we encounter that fear of the many , the multitude , which is to be a recurring motif in the re-emergence of democracy in the modern era .
3 His passionate ambition was to lead a crusade against the Turks , and in so doing to unite Christendom — a vision which anticipated that of Charles V , and a policy which was to be a major preoccupation of both Charles and Philip II throughout the sixteenth century .
4 Suddenly Louis was heir to a vast realm that excluded only Italy , which was to be a vassal kingdom tor Pepin 's son Bernard .
5 On 22 January 1946 he agreed to the formation of the Central Intelligence Group ( CIG ) , which was to be a small organisation simply collating all forms of foreign intelligence and reporting back to the president through the National Intelligence Authority ( NIA ) .
6 It was here that he made his name , carrying out the first really ambitious operation of its kind in the country , which was to be a blueprint for his ‘ Great Design ’ for the Fens .
7 The citizens of Pisa by then had recently taken over its government from the archbishop — they had formed the commune of consuls in the early 1080s which was to be a model for innumerable cities in Tuscany and Lombardy and Umbria to follow in the next two generations , the characteristic Italian commune .
8 At least I do n't think so , ’ I told her , but she just smiled and told me she had no further use for me that day and to call the next day which was to be a school holiday .
9 On his shoulder he carried a holy Torah which was to be a gift to his place of worship .
10 One of the most devoted of the pupils of Cyril and Methodius , Clement ( Sveti Kliment ) of Ohrid , built a monastery on the shores of Lake Ohrid , which was to be a centre of Christian learning for the last thirty years of his long life ( he died in 916 ) .
11 The city had been devastated by German bombing during the Second World War and its newly built cathedral , which was to be a symbol of its phoenix-like rise from the ashes , was still awaiting the final touches before its opening .
12 That article , which was to be a preview of the 1923 show , essentially elaborated Rosenfeld 's remarks about O'Keeffe in ‘ American painting ’ .
13 The Chairman for the evening — Mr R. Mulford — welcomed all present to an evening which was to be an informal discussion centred on Members ' reminiscences of the BCR in its working days .
14 However , the need to maximize the anti-power sharing vote convinced both DUP and Vanguard to instruct their followers to vote for the other party as their second or third preference in what was to be a single transferable vote type of proportional representation election .
15 At some point , between the end of the prosecution in December and the beginning of the defence in February , Noriega 's lawyers abandoned what was to be a sensational defence : a claim that Noriega was a dupe of CIA-contract pilots running guns to Nicaraguan Contras and returning home via Panama with cocaine .
16 Barber then began what was to be a 43 year long career with May & Baker , as research chemist under Dr A. J. Ewins , FRS , carrying out process research in support of the manufacture of products such as neoarsphenamine ( NAB ) for treating syphilis .
17 Liam thought long afterwards of the strangeness of those few days , and how he was brought back from what was to be a trip to America , just in time to arrange his own father 's funeral .
18 These duties had to be fulfilled alongside those of his conventional publishing business , and he was also supposed to be writing a scene for inclusion in what was to be a filmed version of Murder in the Cathedral .
19 That 's what happened when Ferguson fought Ray Mercer in what was to be a tune-up for Mercer before a £1.6 million challenge to Bowe .
20 Secondly , there was the emergence of what was to be a continuing question for EC policy , namely the issue of " additionality " .
21 Although not unaware of the benefits in increased production which the new agrochemicals had allowed , she drew attention , in a passionate book , to the long-term dangers : With words like these Rachel Carson placed farming practice at the centre of what was to be an often rancorous controversy about the compatibility of efficient , profitable and cheap food production with the ecological balance of the countryside .
22 Aunt Tossie had a faint dribble of desire at the corners of her mouth when , at length , she laid down the slate pencil and rose from her chair to face Mrs Geary , her companion in what was to be an immortal triumph : its finale that most acceptable of puddings before diets and regimens were conceived : a really beautiful Trifle .
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