Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] know [be] that " in BNC.

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1 What is known is that the bank has lent Pathe $250m to finance the MGM purchase , plus an undisclosed sum linked to the sale of some of the rights to the studio 's film library .
2 Rose of Lima herself did not write her memoirs , or anything else , so her subjective understanding of this painful phenomenon is not really known ; what is known is that she offered her life explicitly for the conversion and salvation of those suffering people — one of the reasons , obviously , why she later seemed an appropriate patron for the New World .
3 What is known is that this last pre-Roman culture had a vitality and civilization that compared with that of the Greeks .
4 What is known is that the founder-members of this century 's most influential occult order , The Golden Dawn .
5 What is known is that the truce will only hold till the losing interest group can find the opportunity to create another conflict which it might win .
6 What is known is that some of the islands definitely do move and this is no mere illusion .
7 What is known is that nearly 8000 young people leave care each year at 18 and many others at 16 and 17 , and are not provided with any semblance of the help and support which a good parent would give not only to these age groups but often to many young people of 19 , 20 or even older .
8 The plan is officially under wraps until the product 's launch next month , but what is known is that the GIGAswitch will have a switching capacity of 3.6Gbps , 6.25m dynamic connections per second and full duplex Fibre Distributed Data Interchange transmission at 200Mbps .
9 What is known is that Littlewoods has a virtual monopoly ( over 75% ) of the £750 million pools market .
10 What is known is that seven deaths on this motorway HAVE been attributed to it .
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